Helping homeless people reintegrate into society

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Toit à Moi
Action zones

The project

Toit à Moi is dedicated to helping homeless people get off the streets for good. At its core is the conviction that housing alone is not a satisfactory solution, and that support is essential.
died on the streets in 2023
330 000
are homeless
is the average life expectancy of a homeless person


Toit à Moi was born in Nantes in 2007 out of the desire to help homeless people get off the streets for good, thanks to a citizen movement and the commitment of companies. Toit à Moi's "Logement Tremplin" initiative is based on three inseparable components:
individual, dignified housing, a prerequisite for any reintegration;personalized, comprehensive social support to help people in their day-to-day lives, help them with their formalities and build a new life project with them;a network of committed volunteers to forge links and break isolation.

Toit à Moi's action pursues two main objectives:
To provide shelter in dignified conditions and without time constraints. Housing is a springboard, which secures to better carry. Enable people to rebuild their lives: help them build a meaningful life project and guide them towards autonomy (sustainable housing, care synchronization, administrative support, reintegration through work, social ties, well-being, leisure etc.).

Toit à Moi welcomes men and women of all nationalities, adults on their own or accompanied by their children. They can be people in emergency accommodation (social hotel, hostel...), people at the end of their rights in CHRS-type social accommodation (accommodation and social reintegration center)...

The criteria taken into account are:
referral to Toit à Moi by a social emergency structure (Samu social, other associations, etc.); ability to justify a sufficient degree of autonomy to integrate individual housing; willingness to adhere to an individual reintegration project.


The money will be used for

Help with access to healthcare (consultations, equipment, access to treatment...)Help with training (registration fees, supplies...)Help with leisure activities (culture, sports, individual or group outings to build social links...).)Help with access to support services (private lessons, coaching, job search support/resume writing...)Help with setting up group workshops (learning to cook, budgeting...)Help with the organization of important events (birthday, Christmas, birth...)
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Toit à Moi
Thanks to you 👏
support days for 1 person
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851 contributions
Why we love it?

Toit à Moi complements existing solutions that are unfortunately insufficient to provide a satisfactory response to all homeless people: as long as people continue to sleep rough, initiatives such as Toit à Moi will remain indispensable!

My name is Logan, "a guy from the streets". Today I've got my life back and my son back. My story is proof that there is always hope.
Certified association
Toit à Moi is an association certified by Dift, here are the criteria we evaluate:
Financial management
Innovation & efficiency
Entrepreneurial spirit, agility & ambition
Governance & values
Transparency, monitoring & impact measurement
Systemic impact
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