Protecting students' mental health

Action zones
The project
Mental health
Nightline's mission is to improve the mental health of young people and students, both individually and collectively. To achieve this, the association informs, trains and equips: it promotes good mental health and encourages individual resilience.
36 000
consultationsconsultations of the national interactive directory of professional support referrals
28 000
young people affectedyoung people reached by our outreach initiatives
19 000
contacts receivedcontacts received on the night listening line
Organized through a territorial network based on local branches in 7 regions (Paris, Lille, Lyon, Toulouse, Saclay, Angers, Nantes, Rouen, Reims) destined to become denser, Nightline collaborates with numerous partners (higher education establishments, student federations, student associations), to offer support and actions to promote, destigmatize, prevent, and provide guidance in student mental health.
Partnering with many higher education institutions, the association opened its first helpline in 2016, run by Parisian volunteer listeners: since then, the association has counted more calls received every year; by 2022-2023, over 20,000 calls have been directed to the various local services present across the territory.
The service is accessible by telephone or website (chat), open from 9:00 pm to 2:30 am, based on listening and manned by students recruited, selected and solidly trained in active listening and the values of the association. The helpline is based on four key principles (anonymity, confidentiality, non-judgment, non-directiveness). Callers deal with a wide range of issues, including: social and relational life (family relationships (31%) and love affairs (27%)), mental health/stress/anxiety (30%), studies (24%, reinforcing the value of peer-to-peer listening), self-esteem (22%), and loneliness (22%, underscoring the value of the service as a resource for recreating social ties).
Partnering with many higher education institutions, the association opened its first helpline in 2016, run by Parisian volunteer listeners: since then, the association has counted more calls received every year; by 2022-2023, over 20,000 calls have been directed to the various local services present across the territory.
The service is accessible by telephone or website (chat), open from 9:00 pm to 2:30 am, based on listening and manned by students recruited, selected and solidly trained in active listening and the values of the association. The helpline is based on four key principles (anonymity, confidentiality, non-judgment, non-directiveness). Callers deal with a wide range of issues, including: social and relational life (family relationships (31%) and love affairs (27%)), mental health/stress/anxiety (30%), studies (24%, reinforcing the value of peer-to-peer listening), self-esteem (22%), and loneliness (22%, underscoring the value of the service as a resource for recreating social ties).
The money will be used for
Since 2016, Nightline has been rolling out local nighttime listening facilities (run by trained local student-volunteers), with the aim of supporting - and guiding if they so request - students in distress and wishing to "get it off their chest" anonymously and confidentially.
Listening volunteers are 100% students, rigorously selected and trained: (application, motivation interviews, training weekends, role-playing, assessment, etc.) and accompanied and supported by more experienced volunteers and mental health professionals.
Listening volunteers are 100% students, rigorously selected and trained: (application, motivation interviews, training weekends, role-playing, assessment, etc.) and accompanied and supported by more experienced volunteers and mental health professionals.

Thanks to you 👏
hours of active night-time listening, student to student

Action zones
Why we love it?
Nightline provides a concrete and effective solution to the still little-addressed problem of student⸱e⸱s mental health.
My involvement is extremely gratifying. I feel useful in providing support to students (...) In my volunteer work, I have also developed valuable skills that will serve me well in both my personal and professional life. Nightline has enabled me to improve my skills in project creation and management, in supervising and guiding a group of volunteers, as well as my ability to express myself by delivering a clear message in front of an audience or the media. Nightline places the work of its volunteers at the heart of all its activities. But what makes this volunteer experience even more enriching is that the association allows volunteers to be accompanied by professional staff.
Certified association
Nightline is an association certified by Dift, here are the criteria we evaluate:
Financial management
Innovation & efficiency
Entrepreneurial spirit, agility & ambition
Governance & values
Transparency, monitoring & impact measurement
Systemic impact
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