Caring for social entrepreneurs in difficulty

Action zones
The project
Mental healthSolidarity
To enable social and environmental projects to survive, and to take care of the people who work on them, Ticket for Change offers impact entrepreneurs a 6-month support program that helps them regenerate, surround themselves and acquire the tools to preserve their health.
of ETI and SME managersof ETI and SME managers feel isolated
social entrepreneursof social entrepreneurs report a risk of burn-out
average drop in activityaverage drop in business when a manager is in poor health
Over the past 10 years, Ticket for Change has enabled more than 1000 social enterprises to emerge, accompanying project bearers in their first entrepreneurial steps. Among them, Julie and François who launched Yuka, Youssef who co-founded Meet my Mama, or Simone who created Kabubu
... and so many others, who devote their energy every day to building a fairer, more sustainable world.
These pioneers, essential to a better society, nonetheless report marked burnout: emotional overload, a sense of urgency in the face of immense challenges, anxiety linked to fragile business models...
To preserve these actors and actresses of change, and their projects, Ticket for Change offers a 6-month accompaniment to:
realign, recover meaning and reconnect with your project;join a peer community to exchange and support each other over the long term;acquire the tools to better take care of your physical and mental health, and regain energy over the long term.The money will be used for
Your donations will make it possible:
to make the coaching program accessible at lower cost for the change agents and actresses who need it;to carry out awareness-raising actions to change the way impact entrepreneurs look at mental health, and make "taking care" a priority.
3 € = 1 hour of support
The association is waiting for its first donation!
Action zones
Certified by Dift
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals

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