Preserving biodiversity worldwide

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Beauval Nature
Action zones

The project

BiodiversityInternational solidarity
Beauval Nature supports conservation and research projects around the world that involve men and women and place them at the heart of biodiversity preservation.
people depend on wildlife and forests for their livelihoods (United Nations)
of animal and plant species are threatened with extinction worldwide (IPBES 2022)
decline in wildlife populations worldwide since 1970 (WWF - Planète Vivante)


The Sustainable Development Goals recognize the importance of biodiversity in reducing poverty. Breaking this vicious circle and improving access to natural resources by protecting and restoring this biodiversity is the role of the NGOs and other players financed by Beauval Nature.

Thus, in all the programs that Beauval Nature runs or supports, local populations are at the heart of change: they have the means to act and get involved, for collaborative and lasting results. Beauval Nature is committed to supporting them so that they can be the actors of their own survival.

The funds raised by Beauval Nature enable us to finance, through field NGOs, the employment of local populations to carry out actions in favor of biodiversity: jobs that are beneficial to nature and therefore to the communities themselves, whose members are informed, feel involved and benefit from a sustainable source of income.

The actions carried out by these guardians of nature are many and varied: monitoring, conservation and protection of the environment.The actions carried out by these nature guardians are numerous: monitoring species and protected areas against poaching and abusive exploitation, cleaning up natural areas and recycling, tree planting, bee-keeping, caring for wildlife in distress, welcoming and guiding ecotourists, tracking and recording individuals, raising awareness among the younger generation, setting up breeding programs, etc.

Support often goes beyond these specific actions, providing comprehensive assistance to foster economic development and access to essential services. For example, with the construction or renovation of schools, support for textbook publishing, support for local crafts and short distribution channels, rebuilding infrastructure following natural disasters, etc.

🚧 Work starts! 🚧
🚧 Work starts! 🚧
Dear difteurs,

In preparation for several months, the creation of 4 wildlife crossings under Route DĂ©partementale 19, in Lailly-en-Val, has begun.
Covering a distance of 1km, these crossings will enable brown pelobates, classified as "critically endangered" in the Centre-Val de Loire region, to rejoin the ponds located on either side of the road.
These toads will also enable other amphibians, turtles, hedgehogs, snakes, etc. to cross the track without risk, to join, for example, fellow amphibians, a hibernation site or a feeding area.

The location was defined thanks to a study carried out in the spring, identifying amphibian movement routes in the area. It should be noted that more than 6,000 vehicles use this road every day, and that 80 to 90% of amphibians wishing to cross it die on the road.

This road improvement, coordinated by Beauval Nature, is being carried out thanks to funding from the French government under the "Green Fund - France Green Nation", the Loiret Department and the DREAL Centre-Val de Loire.
The other partners in this project are the CEN Centre-Val de Loire and Loiret Nature Environnement.

A big thank you to you for your support and your precious donations!
Return from an expedition to Amazonia
Return from an expedition to Amazonia
Teams from our Brazilian partner, Instituto de Pesquisa Ecológicas (IPÊ), visited the Tanguro fazenda in the Amazon rainforest. Seven tapirs were caught! These captures will be used to monitor the animals' state of health, carry out genetic analyses and fit some tapirs with GPS collars to track their movements. 
The IPĂŠ also took hundreds of biological samples and monitored and recorded images from the 50 camera traps located in the area.

In addition, an awareness-raising campaign on road collisions with wildlife was launched in mid-August.

The money will be used for

Engage ecoguards and rangersSupport teachers and researchersTrain vets and groomersDevelop recycling and the circular economyEnable access to essential goods and services
Thanks to your difts

days of action for biodiversity

162 difts
We all have a role to play as guardians of our planet. By ensuring its preservation and protection, we guarantee a sustainable future for generations to come.
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Baptiste Mulot
General Manager
Dift gem
2024 promotion
Beauval Nature is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
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Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
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