Entrepreneurship to combat poverty

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Entrepreneurs du Monde
Action zones

The project

International solidarityWomen rights
Entrepreneurs du Monde helps vulnerable people succeed in their entrepreneurial endeavors, enabling them to emancipate and empower themselves, and pave the way for their children's future.
increase in income after 2 years of support
163 000
micro-entrepreneurs supported
of women


Entrepreneurship becomes a powerful lever for overcoming extreme poverty when vulnerable entrepreneurs are supported to overcome obstacles. Entrepreneurs du Monde gives these vulnerable entrepreneurs access to the tools they need to develop their business: loans granted without collateral and guarantees to reach the poorest, free training, individual support to overcome difficulties.

The association is present in France, Haiti, Africa (Senegal, Guinea Conakry, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Togo) and Asia (Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines).

Nearly 800 farmers have joined our new program in Liberia!
Nearly 800 farmers have joined our new program in Liberia!
Cher difteur,

Liberia, located in West Africa, is ranked among the five most impoverished nations. 84% of its population lives on less than 1.25 USD per day and ¾ of its food is imported.

In this context, Entrepreneurs du Monde has launched, in partnership with the AFD (Agence Française de Développement), a social microfinance program 100% dedicated to rural populations living near protected areas. It is aimed at farmers, the vast majority of whom are women, who lack resources and are threatened by extreme weather events.

The aim: to help them increase their agricultural yields and diversify their production with agro-ecological practices, to improve their standard of living while preserving the environment. A specialized local team provides local support with several services: loans, a savings account, training, agricultural advice focusing on nutrition.

Other services are envisaged in a second phase, such as access to seeds and clean cooking equipment.

This offer has been eagerly awaited, and the team has made good progress since May 2024. Elili, a locally-registered social enterprise, has been created and two local branches set up. The first 44 groups of farmers have already undergone several training courses; they have made their first savings deposits and have just received their first loans.

A big thank you to all of you who support us and enable us to take action among the most vulnerable ✨
Our action in 2023
Our action in 2023
In 2023, we worked for the essentials: reducing poverty , helping the most vulnerable to cope with climate change, supporting women's emancipation.

Together, we have supported :
  • 162,964 entrepreneurs = 1 million people on their way to autonomy
  • 84% women
  • 28% men and women farmers12 countries, 21 local teams

In 2024, thanks to your support, we will be able to accompany more and better vulnerable people in entrepreneurship!

Find out in video the testimonies of several women and men supported by Fansoto, the Entrepreneurs du Monde program in Senegal!

The money will be used for

Donations will be used to:
  • provide free training for entrepreneurs;
  • monitor their loans and ensure that they correspond to the person's needs;
  • provide a free savings service that is non-existent in these countries;
  • advise entrepreneurs in difficulty and help them find sustainable solutions;
  • connect entrepreneurs with other local associations that can support them on other issues such as health or disability.
Thanks to your difts

entrepreneurs supported for 1 month

372 difts
Why we love it?

Entrepreneurs du Monde gives you all the keys and tools you need to help the most vulnerable become financially independent and regain power over their lives.

The company can be at the service of people and the planet
Entrepreneurs du Monde logo
Armelle Renaudin
Dift gem
2024 promotion
Entrepreneurs du Monde is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
More infos
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!