Developing renewable energies

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Centrales Villageoises
Action zones

The project

The Association des Centrales Villageoises supports volunteers involved in a local community energy project to develop renewable energies and raise awareness of energy saving.
7 250
shareholders who finance local renewable energy projects
territories involved in the Centrales Villageoises approach
photovoltaic systems
photovoltaic installations in service, producing more than 11MWp, equivalent to the consumption of 3,500 homes


Centrales Villageoises are cooperative, citizen-governed companies, acting locally to bring to fruition energy transition projects (renewable energies, energy savings). They bring together citizens, local authorities and businesses to develop these projects and stimulate local economic spin-offs.
The Centrales Villageoises model adopts a progressive approach, enabling volunteers to build up their skills in photovoltaic projects through tools, shared services and dedicated training. This approach has been replicated in 72 territories across 9 regions, forming a skills exchange network.


The money will be used for

The actions aim to increase the skills of the volunteers involved in the Centrales Villageoises:

- Financing of support time for collectives.
- Financing of the development and consolidation of technical resources (guides, standard documents, partnerships...).
- Financing of technical training.
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Centrales Villageoises
Thanks to you 👏
plant-based cooking courses
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22 contributions
Why we love it?

For almost 10 years, this association has been taking concrete action to decarbonize energy by using citizen involvement to promote and develop solar energy.

Certified association
Centrales Villageoises is an association certified by Dift, here are the criteria we evaluate:
Financial management
Innovation & efficiency
Entrepreneurial spirit, agility & ambition
Governance & values
Transparency, monitoring & impact measurement
Systemic impact
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Earned labels
Finaliste des Rencontres pour la Planète de 1% for the Planet label
Sustainable development goals
More infos
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!