Developing citizen photovoltaic projects

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Centrales Villageoises
Action zones

The project

The Association des Centrales Villageoises supports volunteers involved in a local community energy project to develop renewable energies and raise awareness of energy saving.
that finance local renewable energy projects
committed to the Centrales Villageoises approach
photovoltaic systems
generating more than 10MWp, equivalent to the consumption of 3,500 households.


L'Association des Centrales Villageoises enables volunteers involved in a local Centrales Villageoises project to increase their skills and develop photovoltaic projects themselves. 

The association acts on several levers: 
- development of a "step-by-step" project method with the provision of a constantly evolving "toolbox"; 
- support by association employees; 
- organization of technical training courses;  
- organization of exchange times within the network promoting mutual help and experience sharing; 
- etc.

The Centrales Villageoises du Trièves launch an experiment to combat fuel poverty
The Centrales Villageoises du Trièves launch an experiment to combat fuel poverty
It's possible to share free energy with low-income households!

The Centrales Villageoises du Trièves are taking another step forward in their fight against fuel poverty. After equipping precarious households with second-hand photovoltaic panels free of charge last January, the collective is launching a new experiment. The aim? To offer low-income households green, local and free energy. 

An innovative experiment: Solidarity Collective Self-Consumption

The collective, which brings together citizens, local authorities and businesses to carry out actions in favor of the energy transition, has taken a new step in its fight against fuel poverty. The local company is embarking on an innovative experiment: Autoconsommation Collective Solidaire (ACS).

This involves sharing the green electricity generated by the photovoltaic panels of private individuals who have no surplus valuation with precarious households, locally and free of charge.

In practical terms, when the electricity generated by photovoltaic panels exceeds consumption, the surplus energy is usually sold to the grid. Here, the idea is to distribute this surplus directly to neighboring families in fuel poverty through local solidarity loops.

3, 2, 1, go!

The experiment will start in early summer with some 15 volunteer producers, for a total production of 30kWp. The surplus energy will benefit twenty families identified by the local social services and social economy companies. The aim is to reduce their electricity bills by €250 a year.
Centrales Villageoises wins European Local Action for Energy Award
Centrales Villageoises wins European Local Action for Energy Award
Centrales Villageoises wins EUSEW Award
Tuesday June 11, Centrales Villageoises were announced winners of the European Local Action for Energy Award on the stage of the European Commission in Brussels.Handed over by the European Commissioner for Energy, the award recognizes sustainable energy initiatives by citizens' groups, local authorities and other stakeholders, who are working towards the transition to clean energy at local or community level.

Citizen energy in the spotlight...
The awards ceremony took place at the opening of European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW Week), the biggest annual event dedicated to renewable energy in Europe.

This prestigious award is a true European recognition of the efforts made by all the citizens involved in Centrales Villageoises, as well as the local municipalities and businesses that support these initiatives. Well done to all!

... And an opportunity to send out a strong message!

This award was also an opportunity for the association to bring citizen energy to the forefront of the European stage, and to remind people how much European regulation on energy communities can be a real lever for citizen action if accompanied by support schemes.

Citizen energy enables citizens to take back ownership of their energy future, and Europe has a crucial role to play in facilitating this involvement! 

The money will be used for

The actions aim to help upgrade the skills of the volunteers involved in the Centrales Villageoises:

  • financing time to support the collectives;
  • financing the development and consolidation of technical resources (guides, standard documents, partnerships...);
  • financing technical training.

plant-based cooking courses

already funded
14 difts
Why we love it?

For almost 10 years, this association has been taking concrete action to decarbonize energy by using citizen involvement to promote and develop solar energy.

Dift gem
2024 promotion
Centrales Villageoises is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Earned labels
Finaliste des Rencontres pour la Planète de 1% for the Planet label
Sustainable development goals
More infos
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!