Connecting young foreigners and senior mentors

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DUO for a JOB
Action zones
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

The project

In 2025, with your help, DUO for a JOB will continue to grow, with the ambition of launching 700 new "duos". 700 solutions. 700 links. Beyond ages, origins, neighborhoods.
is the average number of duos, and therefore young people, accompanied by a mentor during his or her involvement with DUO for a JOB.
young people
young people supported by DUO for a JOB since 2013
of young people find training or employment in the year following their support


DUO for a JOB is a mentoring program that enables a young foreigner or immigrant to be accompanied in his or her job search by a mentor over 50.
We cross the life paths of two seemingly very different publics, yet often linked by the experience of doubt, indifference or prejudice.

As a highly effective means of professional integration, DUO for a JOB is also a project of openness which, around the battle for youth employment, rebuilds the human bond between people of different ages, origins and neighborhoods.


The money will be used for

The donations collected will allow us to train the mentors (24 hours of face-to-face training) by organizing more than 20 training sessions in our 4 French branches: cost of premises, external speakers, DUO for a JOB salaried teams and materials made available.
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DUO for a JOB
Thanks to you 👏
hours of training for mentors
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28 contributions
Why we love it?

An ingenious project that combines the fight against exclusion, diversity, integration, the enhancement of life paths and the creation of social links between people who would surely never have spoken to each other, with multiple benefits for society!

At DUO for a JOB, we believe that diversity is an opportunity. By supporting our action, you are pursuing a commitment to a more inclusive society in which everyone finds their place and actively contributes to it.
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Prunelle Gorget
Directrice France DUO for a JOB
Certified association
DUO for a JOB is an association certified by Dift, here are the criteria we evaluate:
Financial management
Innovation & efficiency
Entrepreneurial spirit, agility & ambition
Governance & values
Transparency, monitoring & impact measurement
Systemic impact
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Earned labels
Lauréat La France S'Engage 2021 label
Sustainable development goals
More infos
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!