Raising young people's awareness of sustainable entrepreneurship

Action zones
Pays de la Loire


The current dominant economic model based on a depletion of natural resources and an accumulation of waste is no longer viable to ensure the sustainability of our societies. 

Faced with this observation, business leaders from the Pays de la Loire region created RUPTUR in 2018 to drive, accompany and build a creative, environmental and inclusive economy for the future of our children, a more responsible and sustainable economy for the territories. 

Ruptur will only take off if the next generations are involved. That's why the association wants to inspire and raise awareness of this new way of looking at our economy and entrepreneurship from an early age.


Through its collaborative program and game "Faisons demain", dedicated to schools: 

- RUPTUR accompanies the younger generations (middle schoolers, high schoolers, students in higher education) to carry out projects that take into account environmental, social and economic issues, carrying meaning;

- RUPTUR passes on to them a foundation of values and key questions accessible to all through a game kit based on the 9 foundations of the "Blue Economy", during a collaborative workshop provided by 2 volunteers from the association ;

- RUPTUR demonstrates in concrete terms that it's possible to create viable projects that respond to social and environmental values, by promoting examples of virtuous local businesses in its game and enabling young people to meet business leaders from its network!

Let's roll out our "Let's Make Tomorrow" workshops!
Let's roll out our "Let's Make Tomorrow" workshops!
Dear Captains,

We are delighted to share with you the progress of the "Faisons Demain" program for this first half of 2024-2025. Our project manager has scheduled 8 dates in various schools, including 2 new ones in Loire Atlantique. These upcoming sessions will raise awareness of the creative and sustainable economy among more than 300 young people, and that's thanks to you and your support! 

Some new features: games, itineraries with visits to inspiring companies will be tried out this semester. 
This roll-out is prompting us to expand our community of volunteers, currently made up of 10 people. Our next challenge will be to work on an integration and training program to match our ambitions.

Other events are being organized to continue making "Faisons Demain" an indispensable tool in students' projects.

Thank you for your invaluable support. Together, we're building a better future! 
Our tools are becoming more professional, and a pilot has just been recruited!
Our tools are becoming more professional, and a pilot has just been recruited!
Dear captains,
Thanks to your support, we've been able to create a video on the 9 Ruptur foundations, our compass to help pupils, students or entrepreneurs set a course for positive impact!
This original tool, devised by our association from the outset, is the basis of all our workshops.
This compass helps students and their teachers to question themselves 360° and think about how their project could create economic value, often necessary for its sustainability, as well as environmental and social value to be truly useful and contribute to the good of all.
This video allows us to present the 9 foundations in a more lively and dynamic way.

In April, we were delighted to welcome our very first Transmission Officer, Mélanie, a sign of Ruptur's determination to place new generations at the heart of its action.
Mélanie's tasks over the next few months will be to roll out the Faisons Demain workshops to a greater number of schools, federate a committed and sustainable community of volunteer facilitators and continue to professionalize our tools and workshops. 

Mélanie has already committed to a series of workshops that will be delivered in June by our volunteers to 75 5th grade students. 
These workshops will enable them to apply the 9 fundamentals to a project on the theme of water that they are leading this year. 

The coming weeks are also devoted to meeting new schools to prepare for the start of the 2024 school year! 

The money will be used for

The money solicited by RUPTUR will help professionalize the game kit, making it more playful and interactive by drawing on the skills of expert designers. This will make it possible to publish the game in several copies, in sustainable, reusable, recyclable materials. 

The money raised will also make it possible to create events and communication actions around these transmission workshops. 

RUPTUR will finally be able to offer its workshops to a growing number of schools, by recruiting and training facilitators to help it carry out this mission.

students reached

already funded
40 difts
Why we love it?

Transmitting positive values from an early age, raising awareness of environmental, social and economic issues, and showing by example that you can set up a successful project inspired by all these things, is the best way to create vocations and convince people that another path is possible.

Certified by Dift
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
More infos
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!