A kit to promote secularism in the classroom

Action zones
"Coexister à l'École" meets a need of many teachers who say they are overwhelmed and ill-equipped to deal with secularism.
According to a study carried out by IFOP in 2020,one teacher in two has already censured himself in his teaching of religious issues and secularism.
However, these subjects are part of the school curriculum, and are necessary to guarantee a quality civic education, conducive to living together.
Since 2009, Coexister has had its volunteers intervene in schools on these subjects. But with the growing number of requests, it's becoming essential to equip and train teachers directly to multiply our impact tenfold.
"Coexister à l'École" is a turnkey tool designed to meet the needs of teachers. Based on Coexister's 14 years of experience in schools, it is produced at the request of teachers encountered each year in 400 schools. It will be supplemented by training and support from the Coexister team.
Designed for classroom use, the kit aims to help teachers foster a better understanding of secularism.
Training is offered free of charge for easy familiarization.
The money will be used for
Donations will go to:
Recruit a person in charge of designing the pedagogical tool and accompanying teachers;Improve the digital software used to design the kit and distribute it.
10 € = 1 young people aware
The association is waiting for its first donation!
Action zones
Why we love it?
At a time when living together is increasingly under threat, it's vital to take action like Coexister to restore cohesion and (re)learn to coexist in peace.
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