Support for people surviving on the streets

Utopia 56 logo
Utopia 56
Action zones
Centre-Val de Loire

The project

Utopia 56 is a humanitarian association whose mission is to help exiles and anyone else in distress in France, while respecting their choice of path and life, thanks to the mobilization of citizens.
20 000
overnight stays
emergency accommodation have been provided
30 000
5 000
were distributed


Utopia 56 aims to improve the living conditions of exiled and isolated people by giving priority to meeting their essential needs, while supporting them in accessing their rights and enabling them to get off the street.
The strength of its solution lies in its ability to adjust quickly to needs on the ground. 

Utopia 56 strives to meet the needs of the people it encounters. If its activities are no longer appropriate, they are modified. Utopia 56 ensures that it is present where the shortcomings are, acting on the front line, collaborating with other players, pointing out problems, and acting as a whistleblower to denounce malfunctions.

The money will be used for

- Your donations will support the purchase of essential equipment such as blankets, tents, sleeping bags. 

- Your donation will also be dedicated to the rental and management of premises as well as shelters in the various antennas. 

- Thirdly, you will help finance the maintenance of vehicles that are essential to ensure the success of distribution and marauding missions.

- Finally, your contributions will also support the day-to-day work of the Utopia 56 team, which provides support and mobilization for 3,500 volunteers and solidarity, logistics, as well as maintaining essential partnerships and much more.
Thanks to your difts

10 € = 1 new tent distributed

5 difts
Dift gem
2024 promotion
Utopia 56 is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
More infos
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!