Protecting red pandas and their habitat

Action zones
The project
BiodiversityInternational solidarity
Beauval Nature supports the Red Panda Network in Nepal, which works with local communities to protect red pandas and their habitat.
have been recorded in Nepal, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
400 000
decline in red panda populations over the last three generations.
hectaresof a ranger fully paid for by Beauval Nature every year.
The Red Panda Network, supported by BEAUVAL NATURE, hires, trains and equips Nepalese forest rangers, to monitor red pandas and their forest. These community patrols operate in 13 of Nepal's 25 red panda districts. The rangers count individuals, neutralize traps and report any illegal disturbance: grazing, removal of wood or plants, forest fires.
Photos © Red Panda Network
Photos © Red Panda Network
The money will be used for
- Red panda census
- Monitoring of animals and study of their distribution
- Anti-poaching surveillance
- Fight against illegal timber and plant harvesting
- Tree planting
- Raising awareness among villagers and children of the importance of the forest and red pandas
- Monitoring of animals and study of their distribution
- Anti-poaching surveillance
- Fight against illegal timber and plant harvesting
- Tree planting
- Raising awareness among villagers and children of the importance of the forest and red pandas

Thanks to you 👏
surveillance days

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Action zones

This association has been meticulously selected and checked by our partner
Beauval Nature
Protecting emblematic animals like the Red Panda highlights the problems faced by all the species living alongside them. Protecting them preserves an entire ecosystem.

Baptiste Mulot
General Manager, Beauval Nature
Certified by Dift
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals

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