Speaking classes for young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods

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Trouve Ta Voix
Action zones
Grand Est

The project

Trouve Ta Voix trains middle and high school students from priority public schools in public speaking, enabling them to reveal their potential, enter the job market and open up their field of possibilities.
young people
are trained in 2024
students and young professionals get involved to train students on a daily basis
91 %
are more aware that their voice counts at the end of the training course


Trouve Ta Voix is committed to equal opportunity by providing long-term support to young people from the most disadvantaged backgrounds in their professional integration and the revelation of their potential through public speaking through various training programs.

The introductory public speaking programs are aimed at 4th and 2nd grade students from priority public schools, based on an innovative pedagogy that enables everyone to express themselves in a caring environment in order to:
- reveal their potential;
- gain self-confidence;
- open up their field of possibilities;
- take their place in society and contribute to a better way of living together.

Students deliver their speeches, individually or collectively, at events (speaking competition and Les collégiens ont la parole festival) in symbolic and prestigious venues in the Cité.


The money will be used for

The money raised will finance:
the organization of training sessions in partner classes (free for schools);the printing of teaching aids (for trainers and students);the organization of the four stages of the speaking contest;the organization of the Festival Les collégiens ont la parole;the training of trainers.
Thanks to your difts

speech training

86 difts
Why we love it?

Trouve Ta Voix offers an innovative training program for the most disadvantaged young people, teaching them the art of speaking so that they can regain their self-confidence and find their place in society. Don't miss the video of the final of the 2023 competition at the Château de Versailles!

Yes, we all have a voice, and we express it differently. We need to share it, and share our opinions now or in the future, in civic debates. We can change things by speaking out.
Dift gem
2024 promotion
Trouve Ta Voix is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!