Protecting sacred forests in Benin

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Planète Urgence
Action zones

The project

The Gapadou project aims to sustainably manage sacred forests threatened by agricultural expansion in Benin, using restoration, the development of sustainable economic alternatives and awareness-raising among communities, especially children.
2 940
forests have the status of sacred forests in Benin
1 739
direct project beneficiaries in 2023
70 000
forest loss per year from the country's forest cover


The Gapadou project focuses on preserving and restoring Benin's sacred forests, pillars of local culture but threatened by agricultural expansion. Sacred forests, based on traditional beliefs, are crucial for the conservation of natural resources and biodiversity. Benin has around 2,900 of them.

In collaboration with BEV ONG, Planète Urgence mobilizes local communities to restore these unique forests, protect their biodiversity and develop sustainable economic alternatives via agroforestry. The project includes an environmental awareness program to ensure the sustainability of the actions.

This holistic approach aims to conciliate preservation of cultural heritage, protection of biodiversity and local economic development. Gapadou thus illustrates how forest conservation can harmonize with community needs, creating a sustainable human, climatic and ecological impact.

The money will be used for

The donations collected will enable:
- the purchase, planting and maintenance of seedlings to restore sacred forests,
- the creation of woody belts around these forests,
- and the development of sustainable economic alternatives with local communities, notably by planting fruit species in agroforestry, which can be marketed to generate additional income.
Thanks to your difts

m2 of sacred forest restored

238 difts
Today, it's vital to act jointly to respect people and their environment.
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Nicolas Froissard
President, Planète Urgence
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