Developing an ecological coffee industry in Laos

Action zones
The project
International solidarityClimate
CARE helps small-scale coffee growers, particularly women, to invest in sustainable production to combat climate change.
40 000
familiesfamilies live from coffee production in Laos
12 000
peoplepeople will be affected by the project
37 millions
of peoplepeople worldwide supported by CARE climate adaptation programs
Laos is the third-largest coffee producer in Southeast Asia, making coffee an important source of income for local populations.
With five years' experience in the coffee sector in Laos, CARE is intervening in the Region of Dakcheung to make coffee production more efficient, equitable, ecological and resilient to climate change.
Existing environmental issues are mapped and 400 coffee producers (70% of whom are women) are trained in greener, more sustainable production techniques, as well as in the valorization and disposal of waste from coffee production.
Small producers are also supported in order to promote their access to local and international markets, and thus strengthen their economic autonomy, especially that of women.
The money will be used for
Your donations will be used, for example, to finance:
- Training of trainers.
- Training of coffee growers.
- Agricultural equipment.
- Project coordination.

Thanks to you 👏
months of training in sustainable production techniques

Action zones
Certified association
CARE France is an association certified by Dift, here are the criteria we evaluate:
Financial management
Innovation & efficiency
Entrepreneurial spirit, agility & ambition
Governance & values
Transparency, monitoring & impact measurement
Systemic impact
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