Creating inclusive housing for young people

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Action zones
Pays de la Loire

The project

Fratries creates well-placed colivings in major French cities, where 10 to 13 active young people live together, half of whom are mentally handicapped and/or autistic. On a day-to-day basis, Fratries supports these young people in their social and professional integration.
open by the end of 2024, and other projects underway to meet major needs throughout France
in Fratries homes by the end of 2024
housemates with disabilities supported towards greater autonomy, towards and into employment


The mission of Fratries is to promote the integration of young people with mental disabilities and autistic disorders into the mainstream, through housing and employment.

Thus, Fratries is developing colivings: beautiful furnished houses in the heart of cities, where young working people, with and without disabilities, share their daily lives. Close to transport and shops, access to employment is also facilitated. On a day-to-day basis, housemates with mental disabilities or autistic disorders are supported towards independence and employment.
And it works! Genuine friendships are formed, with everyone testifying to their mutual enrichment!
In 3 years, 3 Fratries colivings have opened their doors in Nantes, Colombes and Rennes, thanks to the mobilization of numerous players & patrons!
Given the success of these first colivings (100% occupancy rate), and to meet the many requests from young people wishing to join a fratrie, 3 new homes will open by the end of 2024 and other projects are underway in other major French cities.


The money will be used for

This mission is carried out by the house manager, the social and shared life animator, who reserves part of his time for this support.

If they so wish, he helps the young people to complete internships and find a job in line with their desires and talents. Once on the job, he stays in close contact with each young person's employer and/or company referent to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible.
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Thanks to you 👏
hours of job placement support
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295 contributions
Why we love it?

Fratries is a lovely shared-accommodation project for young people with and without disabilities, where they can share good times, create social links and learn to live together. Some gain in autonomy and self-confidence, others break out of their solitude and change their outlook on disability, and in the end, everyone's a winner!

Certified association
Fratries is an association certified by Dift, here are the criteria we evaluate:
Financial management
Innovation & efficiency
Entrepreneurial spirit, agility & ambition
Governance & values
Transparency, monitoring & impact measurement
Systemic impact
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