Training disadvantaged women in culinary professions

Action zones
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
The project
EducationWomen rights
Meet My Mama is dedicated to helping women around the world acquire new skills, qualifications and employment opportunities in the culinary industry.
%of chefs are men
Michelin-starred restaurantswith a female chef out of France's 627 Michelin-starred restaurants
%of unskilled catering jobs are held by women
Meet My Mama sets up programs to support women who want to enter the culinary field: empowerment programs to help them become catering chefs, online training and videos.... Over the next three years, the organization aims to reduce gender inequality in the culinary industry by supporting more than 2,000 women to secure employment, and helping nearly 500 entrepreneurs set up their own culinary businesses.
The money will be used for
Donations will be used to fund:
training, support and follow-up for the Mamas;the creation of educational content online and open to all;professional kitchens and cooking equipment so that the Mamas can professionalize and benefit from a work tool that will bring them income;the digital platform that will enable more people to be trained.
Thanks to you 👏
half-day training sessions

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Action zones
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Certified association
Meet My Mama is an association certified by Dift, here are the criteria we evaluate:
Financial management
Innovation & efficiency
Entrepreneurial spirit, agility & ambition
Governance & values
Transparency, monitoring & impact measurement
Systemic impact
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