Protecting the ocean by fighting plastic pollution

Wings of the Ocean logo
Wings of the Ocean
Action zones

The project

Limit the arrival of waste, particularly plastic, in the ocean by protecting and cleaning up French coastlines and rivers, and by acting at source to change behavior and local prevention plans.
metric tons
of waste already collected in 1,300 collections
+40 000
people sensitized
volunteers involved in our missions


Wings of the Ocean installs seven 2-6 month missions each year on French coastlines and rivers, to preserve areas directly impacted by plastic pollution and waste.

To achieve this, the association makes the following commitments: 
  • organize several waste collections each week;
  • raise awareness of ocean protection for the general public by running workshops on waste, the ocean and the impact of plastic, and by taking part in local & national ;
  • develop a sorting center locally to characterize and revalue (when possible!) the waste recovered; 
  • recruit a network of volunteers fed, housed and trained by the association each year on their local and itinerant missions (boats). 

The first figures for the 2024 missions!
The first figures for the 2024 missions!
Dear Captains, 
With the start of the vacations, it's high time to share the first news of our active missions on coasts and rivers in 2024! 
Wings of the Ocean has launched its 7 missions since April
Thanks to your support and that of our other patrons and partners, we have already been able to:
  • collect more than 3 tons of waste all missions combined during 103 collections (more than half of which is plastic waste...)
  • Collecting over a million cigarette butts in just a few hours during the Mégothon 2024 co-organized by Wings of the Ocean and other local associations.
  • recruit, train and house 112 volunteers who take action in the field every day
  • raise awareness among 5910 people during 147 awarenessraising actions
  • launch a large-scale scientific study on our three fixed missions (Etang de Berre, Etang de Thau, Bassin d'Arcachon) in order to take nearly 120 soil samples to assess the quantity of micro and nano plastics present in the areas where we operate every year! This scientific project includes several CRNS laboratories.

 (Data compiled up to June 30, 2024) 

  • Launch of the Etang de Berre mission 
  • Launch of the Rhône Delta mission in partnership with the Parc Naturel de Camargue

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support you give every day to our missions to protect the Ocean <3
Discover the progress of the Kraken renovation project on video!
Discover the progress of the Kraken renovation project on video!

The Kraken construction project, initiated in 2022, is slowly coming to an end. To mark the occasion, we look back over the past 2 years of work to present the achievements of over a hundred volunteers!
It's been a long, hard and challenging task to make this emblematic boat of the Association the standard-bearer in the fight against plastic pollution in France.

The project has been able to proceed thanks to the support of our partners (and you!) who share our common ambition to preserve the ocean. The yacht's renovations have been able to come to life over the last few months thanks to the determination of the shipyard's volunteers, as much as to our partners. 

Flashback on thousands of hours of work...

The Kraken will set sail again in 2024 to resume her mission on the Mediterranean coast. 
We'll soon be sharing some great news about her upcoming program and itinerary!

The money will be used for

Your support will contribute directly to mission expenses each year, namely:  
  • accommodation, food and transportation for more than 200 volunteers; 
  • the operational costs of their waste collection and awareness-raising activities; 
  • the costs inherent in maintaining their fleet of boats.

m² of coastline cleaned up

already funded
1427 difts
Why we love it?

Support this second Wings of the Ocean project, which reminds us that clean-up and waste awareness begin on our own shores!

Certified by Dift
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
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Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!