Tips for saving wild animals in distress

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Action zones

The project

Trisk'ailes provides advice and support by telephone to anyone who finds themselves faced with an injured, sick or young bird, mammal, reptile or amphibian left to fend for itself.
of wild animals in distress are caused by human activities
2 600
wild animals
are helped every year by the telephone mediation service
26 000
wild animals
in distress were cared for by Trisk'ailes between 2007 and 2021 in its former care center.


The Trisk'ailes wildlife mediation service accompanies an average of over 2,600 people every year, helping around 8 birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians a day. The service is based on the principle of "learning by doing", which teaches the right gestures to adopt, avoiding errors of interpretation and action, and limiting unnecessary intervention (capture, captivity and transport being stressful acts for wild animals).

This way, Trisk'ailes favors the least intrusive possible intervention on site. Thus, during the breeding season (March-August), its team guides the birds back to the nest or builds a replacement nest.

Over 9,000 animals helped in 4 months
Over 9,000 animals helped in 4 months
The first assessment of SOS Faune Sauvage Bretagne was made this week: the regional service, to which Trisk'ailes has largely contributed at the rate of 14h per week, has helped more than 9000 wild animals in distresson the territory (and sometimes beyond) between May and August 2024. That's colossal!

Key figure: 1/4 of the animals did not require professional care and were able to be helped thanks to telephone support and advice from mediators, including Morgane, our qualified animal carer.

The majority of these animals belonged to the bird class, with the gulls in first place.

Knowing that each telephone accompaniment lasts just over 6 minutes on average, and requires telephony software, computer hardware, an internet connection, as well as time for data entry and analysis, your DIFTS are funding the operability of this mission, which is essential for reducing the impact of human activities on local wildlife.

Thanks to the difteurs! 
Trisk'ailes actions during the heatwave
Trisk'ailes actions during the heatwave
Between June 1 and today, we've come to the aid of 265 wild animals in distress via our telephone mediation service alone.

265 is a little more than your dift has enabled us to do since December 2023. So a big thank you!

In almost a third of cases, it was a goeland. Often, juveniles outside their nest. And that's what happens when the temperature on the tin roofs where these seabirds nest (as in Lorient) reaches 40°C or more. It's so unbearable that the birds, still unable to fly, throw themselves to the ground. In this way, they don't avoid danger and make themselves vulnerable to city traffic.

The Black Swifts have also suffered from the heat waves. They, which nest under our roofs and don't have the ability to move around on the ground, nor to fly off without momentum, have sometimes had to leave their nests in a hurry.

So that as many people as possible know how to act in this kind of situation and depending on the animal found, we're continuing to train individuals like you in"Good gestures". We will be conducting3 further online sessions in 2024 for which it is still possible to register. We have trained 9 people since January.

The money will be used for

The mediation mission impacts several expense items. Here's what your donations finance in concrete terms:
  • A majority of the salary of the animal caretaker who handles 99% of the requests to help wild animals in distress
  • A cell phone package necessary for processing
  • Part of the electricity and internet charges
  • A small part of the salary of the development officer who analyzes and valorizes mediation data to make it accessible and improve the mediation service
  • A portion of the allowance reserved for the civic service volunteers trained to replace the salaried mediator during her leave

rescued animals

already funded
141 difts
Why we love it?

This Breton association provides a wildlife mediation service that enables us to learn how to better cohabit with wildlife, and thus preserve biodiversity in the best possible way!

I defend environmental and animal causes, but also social ones. That's why I believe in the Trisk'ailes care center project. My aim is to create a welcoming structure that provides real well-being for wildlife and the people who help them.
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Céline Vacher
Dift gem
2024 promotion
Trisk'ailes is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
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