Restoring cyclone-damaged schools in Mayotte

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The project

EducationInternational solidarity
Bibliothèques Sans Frontières is mobilizing to provide an emergency response to cyclone Chido in Mayotte, deploying Ideas Box mobile media libraries and emergency educational kits.
schools on the island
were affected by the passage of cyclone Chido
Ideas Box
in the process of being configured to meet emergency needs and ensure educational continuity
emergency education kits
being deployed to support schools and libraries


Since 2019, Bibliothèques Sans Frontières (BSF) has been working in Mayotte with its partners to promote access to education, information and culture for young people in extremely precarious circumstances.

The devastation caused by Cyclone Chido's passage through Mayotte on December 14, 2024 has plunged the archipelago into a critical humanitarian emergency, adding to the social distress its inhabitants were already experiencing before the disaster. The death toll is only provisional, but the human losses are already immense. All schools have been affected by the cyclone.

BSF teams are mobilizing to respond to the emergency with two objectives:
1) Creation of 10 mobile media hubs (Ideas Box) for emergency information, educational continuity and psychosocial support,
2) Deployment of 50 emergency education kits to support schools and libraries.

The money will be used for

The 10 Ideas Box hubs will help 50,000 people over the coming year to provide access to essential information and public services, contribute to educational continuity and offer psychosocial support.

Created with designer Philippe Starck, Ideas Boxes are multimedia centers in kit form, ultraportable and rapidly transportable to the field. They create safe, "disaster-proof" spaces that offer information, education, recreational and psychosocial services for children and adults. Each Ideas Box consists of 4 modules equipped with tablets and computers, books and games, an internet connection and a cinema. The furniture and generator included in the device make it possible to be completely self-sufficient on emergency sites such as Mayotte.

The deployment of 50 emergency education kits will benefit 15,000 people and support the reopening of schools and temporary education structures that will be implemented.

The kits will include physical and digital resources and will be provided to school professionals to complement their action. Built around the Ideas Cube, a miniature computer server providing internet-free access to thousands of educational content items, these kits will be complemented by tablets, books, board games and other physical media serving a socio-cultural mediation approach. Digital content will be offered in French, Shimaoré and Shibushi.
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books available in mobile Ideas Box emergency media libraries
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