Nurseries to speed up reforestation

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As a result of climate disruption and the significant increase in fires in France, many patches of forest have been destroyed. To ensure the sustainability of our forests and terrestrial biodiversity, the YouCare Association has decided to respond to this challenge by creating a network of charitable nurseries. 

Together, we're going to create the first YouCare Charitable Nursery. The aim will be to enable everyone, at their own level, to become involved in reforestation in their region.


With this charitable nursery project, the YouCare Association's aim will be to germinate and propagate over 50,000 tree seedlings per year, to be subsequently reused for reforestation. Depending on the region, more than 20 tree species will be multiplied to avoid any problems associated with monoculture.

Species of bushes and honey plants will also be planted to enable the reintroduction of small mammals and bees.

The money will be used for

The donations collected will enable the YouCare Association to continue and finalize the work of clearing the undergrowth, as well as finance the installations and equipment needed to set up the nursery (tunnel greenhouse, water recovery system, etc.).
Thanks to your difts

trees planted

1479 difts
Why we love it?

After the fires of summer 2022 which ravaged the forests of the South-West of France, we were keen to support a reforestation project in this severely affected region.

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