Activities to raise awareness of environmental issues



Did you know that the GoodPlanet Foundation supports the "Coalition citoyenne pour la protection de l'océan" launched on March 26, 2024 by the Bloom association?
This coalition, bringing together numerous associations and committed personalities, is a vibrant appeal in favor of protecting the seas and oceans.
This coalition is particularly important, especially since the Presidency of the Republic officially launched the Year of the Sea on September 21, 2024, the city of Nice will host the 3rd United Nations Ocean Conference in June 2025.  
The GoodPlanet Foundation takes action on the groundvia projects for RESERVATION & RESTORATION OF MARINE ECOSYSTEMS & COASTAL(currently in Madagascar, Indonesia and Senegal).

"Local governance of a protected area in Sainte-Marie" (SDGs addressed: 2, 10, 12, 13, 14 & 15)
Madagascar is one of the world's poorest countries, and the island of Sainte-Marie is particularly hard hit. In 30 years, over 25% of the island's forests have been destroyed/degraded, while fishery resources are also experiencing a major decline, even though they are essential to the island's 30,000 inhabitants to ensure their food security.
This project to create a protected area aims to preserve Sainte-Marie's remarkable biodiversity, through local governance of resources and territory,and the direct protection of 182 ha of mangroves and 800 ha of coastal forest, while improving the socio-economic resilience of the most vulnerable communities.

Children at risk (REP, REP+, priority districts): let's continue to raise awareness! update

Children at risk (REP, REP+, priority districts): let's continue to raise awareness!

For many years, the GoodPlanet Foundation has pursued a very inclusive policy in terms of accessibility to its programs. The aim: to educate all audiences about sustainable development issues, with a stronger focus each year on young people with the least access to such education (priority neighborhoods, REP, REP+, disabilities...).

In September 2024, new programs are therefore being launched with local authorities and associations in the social field to strengthen the GoodPlanet Foundation's actions with these vulnerable audiences, who are particularly impacted by topics related to the "sustainable world".
For a holistic approach, programs systematically address identified themes (biodiversity, sustainable agriculture and food, zero waste, energy, world cultures, water and oceans) while highlighting intrinsically linked themes: solidarity, education, gender, etc. A necessary approach for understanding the interdependence between subjects and levers for action.
The Foundation aims to educate 6,000 people a year, from social structures and REP/REP+ schools, by 2026. A challenge it hopes to meet - thanks in no small part to you!  :)

Help the GoodPlanet Foundation rehabilitate the Mangrove in Tanakeke! update

Help the GoodPlanet Foundation rehabilitate the Mangrove in Tanakeke!

Created in 2006 by the GoodPlanet Foundation, the "Action Carbone Solidaire" program's mission is to combat global warming by proposing sustainable and economically viable alternatives to polluting activities, for the benefit of the most disadvantaged populations. Each project systematically combines economic and social well-being with adaptation to environmental challenges.
Indonesia boasts the largest expanse of mangroves in the world. The country alone is home to a quarter of the world's mangroves (FAO, 2007). Following the aquaculture boom of the 1990s, Tanakeke Island lost almost 70% of its mangroves, from 1,776 ha to 500 ha. The island's inhabitants depend on the ocean and the state of its ecosystems for their livelihoods, but as a result of the industry crisis, 80% of the aquaculture ponds have been abandoned, threatening local biodiversity and livelihoods.Faced with these issues, this 36-month project will ultimately enable the transformation of 70 hectares of former fish breeding ponds into mangroves, through ecological restoration, but also sequester several tons of CO2. 

As an operational partner, Blue Forests focuses its environmental and social action on coastal areas through the adaptive management of critical watersheds in Indonesia. Its vision is to strengthen the social, economic and ecological resilience of coastal populations. To achieve this, Blue Forests works directly with communities, particularly women and people in situations of economic vulnerability. 

Let's build 2 drinking water systems for the people of Malawi! update

Let's build 2 drinking water systems for the people of Malawi!

Created in 2006 by the GoodPlanet Foundation, the "Action Carbone Solidaire" program's mission is to combat global warming by proposing sustainable and economically viable alternatives to polluting activities, for the benefit of the most disadvantaged populations. Each project systematically combines economic and social well-being with adaptation to environmental challenges.
Malawian communities are at the origin of the project, which consists in the installation of 5 drinking water access systems powered by solar water pumps in the rural commune of Manjalende, in the Phalombe district, as well as the creation of a nursery in this commune.
In Malawi, women spend an average of 54 minutes collecting water per day. On a global scale, the 200 million hours that women and girls spend each day collecting water constitute precious time that can be devoted to other activities (UNICEF, 2016). 
This installation project will give them access to drinking water for domestic consumption and a water supply for the nursery, which will enable them to produce tree seedlings and vegetable seeds. The aim is to put 5 solar water pump systems into operation, providing daily access to drinking water for 6,000 people, as well as creating a nursery self-managed by the community, and training 5 local mechanics. 

Weekend of April 06-07: Launch of the 2024 cultural (and environmental) season! update

Weekend of April 06-07: Launch of the 2024 cultural (and environmental) season!

Every weekend, from 11H to 19H  -  From April 06 to October 27, 2024

On the sidelines of the Olympics and JOP PARIS2024, engage in inspiring and free programming, at the crossroads of several public policy objectives, for the benefit of young people in the Paris region, families, people far from culture and players in the social field.

In 2017, the GoodPlanet Foundation opened the first place dedicated to ecology, culture and solidarity in Paris: 3.5 hectares of nature to give them the experience of a positive ecology, through free artistic and cultural programming. 

FOR YOUR AGENDA! April 6 to July 7, 2024 
The Domaine de Longchamp reopens its doors on the weekend of April 6, 2024 for over 6 months of feel-good, multidisciplinary, free, fun and educational programming, featuring surprise guests whose sporting, cultural, inclusive or environmental prowess has made the news. Alongside major exhibitions, happenings, guided tours and workshops, enjoy a season rich in convivial experiences, in an island of nature at the gateway to Paris, less than 10 minutes from Porte Maillot. 

ON THE WEEKEND PROGRAM FROM APRIL TO JULY: more than 20 concerts and young talent springboards - 4 exhibitions - 2 Escape Games - 3 festivals - cartes blanches - film screenings - nearly 100 workshops and guided tours (more than 10 per weekend) - nature trails - playful moments - more than 20 themed meetings with inspiring personalities - readings in the garden - stand-up, hip hop and dance happenings - book signings - yoga classes.... 

Saturday 6 - Sunday 7 / Saturday 13 - Sunday 14 April :  WEEK-ENDS EVENT REOPENING OF LONGCHAMP DOMAIN 
Festive weekends to inaugurate the new cultural season "Les du Vivant" and celebrate living together, in the presence of the season's artists and numerous personalities. 
On the program : "Rendez-vous des champions du Vivant*"  with Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Jean-Albert Lièvre and Marc Mortelmans; Screening "Vivant, un inventaire amoureux de la biodiversité", "Les Gardiennes de la Planète" and ciné-kids ; Creative workshops, cooking, special exhibition and escape games; Photo-meeting "The secret life of animals" by Nicolas Davy and projection-meeting with Matthieu Courdesses; Solidarity treasure hunt on Biodiversity, gourmet animation, kids' area, yoga, Watercolor Workshop; Batucada and concerts. 

Saturday April 27 and Sunday April 28  : 2nd edition of the FESTIVAL RÉSONANCES 
A weekend to imagine tomorrow's ecological and united world through the artistic creation of 15-25 year-olds. 
On the program: artistic performances, masterclasses and inspiring talks, creative workshops and awareness-raising on environmental issues. Festive closing moments - exhibition and prize-giving ceremony for the winners of the creative competition, which invites 15-25 year-olds to express themselves on the world of tomorrow by appealing to their imagination by 2030, within the framework of the SDGs.Saturday June 15 and Sunday June 16: 7th MIAM! Festival dedicated to sustainable food 
2 days of feasting, cooking and discovering that you can take care of the planet on your plate by using food as a vehicle for sharing! So, are you ready to feast?! 
On the Program : giant open-air cooking classes with renowned chefs, culinary demonstrations, concerts and DJ sets, screenings, gourmet encounters, Miam Place, Food Trucks, sustainable food trail game, and many other delicious surprises!

Saturday June 22 - Sunday June 23  # Week-end Biodiversity 
To celebrate the arrival of summer, the GoodPlanet Foundation is taking you on a journey to meet biodiversity and its inhabitants! So, are you ready to dive into this incredible universe?! 
On the Program: "honey bar" animation, beekeeping workshops, live show,  etc.... 
- Address: 1, carrefour de Longchamp 75016 Paris 
- Accessibility : PMR, audiodescription tour of the major exhibition & adapted workshops (June24). 
- Hours: Open free to the general public, every weekend from 11H to 19H 
- Groups, schools, associations:
    ○ Groups and associations welcome during weekend times : information  [email protected] 
    ○ Tuesday to Friday, groups and associations welcome, by reservation only: [email protected] 
 - Receive the GoodPlanet Foundation weekend program  The GoodPlanet Agenda - Weekends and Workshops Program:
- And register online to confirm your attendance: 

Awakening of the wild forces #3 with JANE GOODALL update

Awakening of the wild forces #3 with JANE GOODALL

This Saturday, December 02, the GoodPlanet Foundation is opening its doors to you free of charge to meet Dr. Jane Goodall, the eminent figure in animal protection and world-renowned environmental activist.
So come along to an exceptional lecture by Dr. Jane Goodall, on the theme of hope for youth in a world filled with uncertainty.
A pioneer in research into human/animal relationships, and invested since her youth in the preservation of Africa's wild animal life, Jane Goodall invites you to exchange and learn about environmental, animal and human health.
Unprecedented and exceptional presence of Jane Goodall in Paris! Come and meet this fascinating and passionate woman.
In addition, on the program for this third editionof the Awakening of Wild Forces, organized with the Jane Goodall Institute:
<-> Culinary demonstrations and tastings by the founder of the famous plant-based bakery Land&Monkeys.
-> This weekend, get creative! Compose a slam about the ocean with Pauline André-Dominguez or make wild animals out of recycled paper.
-> Many other activities such as moments of exchange with the Jane Goodall Institute, film screenings, musical performances... so many activities to put a smile on your face and warm your heart!
So see you at the GoodPlanet Foundation this Saturday, December 2 to enjoy thisexceptional program!

The Science Olympics update

The Science Olympics

The GoodPlanet Foundation presents the Olympiades de la Science on the weekend of October 14-15! 2 days to experiment, move and inspire in order to understand exciting phenomena while having fun! 
A flagship weekend in the Foundation's event programming, the public embarks with adventurers to discover their physical feats that enable scientific advances and preserve the planet.
Sports coaches will invite the public to get moving (because there's nothing more energizing than taking action). What's more, a Sports Quiz and a scientific demonstration will help us understand what happens inside our bodies when we exert ourselves physically
Where there's science, there's experimentation! The public will have the opportunity to test their knowledge thanks to experimental games at the GoodPlanet Lab.
Film buffs will be able to attend previously unseen screenings: Don't Look Up, the film everyone's been talking about, and ciné-kids for a gentle cinema experience!
We'd like to warmly thank our Captains for their generosity, helping us to achieve our goal of raising environmental awareness among 3,000 more people in a festive, participatory and educational atmosphere! 

MIAM! Festival dedicated to sustainable food #6 update

MIAM! Festival dedicated to sustainable food #6

The GoodPlanet Foundation is pulling out all the stops and hosting the 6th edition of the MIAM Festival on September 23 & 24. Conviviality and sharing will be in the spotlight, with the aim of raising awareness of major food issues in an accessible, entertaining and educational way.
For two days, masterclasses by committed chefs, round tables, blind-tests and quizzes and other tasting lectures will enliven the Domaine de Longchamp. On the menu will be renowned and committed such as Johanna Le Pape, Alexandre Marchon, Thibault Spiwack and many others...
This weekend will also be an opportunity to discover catering offers for all tastes with Sezono, Coup d'Jus and le Camion Paillette (with Marie Venet, former Supernature chef) who will treat gourmets to organic, seasonal produce, for dishes that are as good on the plate as they are for the planet!
Find details of the program on our Agenda!
We'd like to warmly thank our Captains for their generosity, helping us achieve our goal: to raise environmental awareness among 3,000 more people in a festive, participatory and educational atmosphere!

Festival Jazz Art District #5 update

Festival Jazz Art District #5

 The GoodPlanet Foundation welcomes the 5th edition of the Jazz Art District Festival on August 26 & 27. This not-to-be-missed event at the Domaine de Longchamp combines fun, educational and festive activities throughout the weekend. Six jazz groups, including two winners of the Groover platform's springboard competition, will be on hand to get you swinging in La Clairière. In addition to the concerts, enjoy guided tours of the Foundation's indoor and outdoor exhibitions, escape games and creative workshops. 
This event is co-organized with the association Jazz District and its webradio Art District Radio. Founded in September 2016, Art District Radio is the first webradio to offer a diverse range of cultural content, from theater to cinema to comics and visual arts, highlighting the emerging jazz and pop/soul scenes. 
Find details of the programming on our Agenda
We warmly thank our Captains for their generosity in helping us achieve our goal: to raise environmental awareness among 3,000 more people in a festive, participatory and educational atmosphere! 

Launch of the 2023 season at Domaine de Longchamp! update

Launch of the 2023 season at Domaine de Longchamp!

The GoodPlanet Foundation reopened its doors to the public on Saturday 08 and Sunday 09 April 2023, with 3100 people in attendance to kick off the season!
On the program: inaugural speeches, a Grande Rencontre "Biodiversité" with inspiring personalities, a concert, a testimonial by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, a collective plant fresco, a batucada, workshops for all tastes and fun activities, the inauguration of our new exhibitions, ...
We're convinced that access to education about sustainable development is a necessity if we're to change behavior; so the GoodPlanet Foundation has chosen to offer FREE access to 90% of its activities in order to raise awareness and spur everyone into action. In addition to a permanent program (exhibitions, escape games, cinema room, etc.), a committed program is developed every weekend for the general public, as well as awareness-raising workshops during the week for schoolchildren and beneficiaries of social relay structures (reception centers, medical-educational institutes, associations helping vulnerable people, etc.) at the GoodPlanet School.
We would like to warmly thank our Captains for their generosity in helping us achieve our goal: to raise environmental awareness among a further 3,000 people in a festive, participatory and educational atmosphere!

Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!