Training in digital professions for the underprivileged

 🎓 Back to school at Label Emmaüs Marseille! update

🎓 Back to school at Label Emmaüs Marseille!

 🎓 It's back to school in Marseille!
The team welcomed the first 10⸱es apprenant⸱es from Marseille for their first day at school. On the program: discovering the premises, where they'll be training for the next 6 months, and meeting their future⸱es class neighbors.
We're delighted to support Label Ecole in this ambitious new spin-off project in Marseille, and we hope soon elsewhere.
🏃‍♂️ If you'd like to support the project, we're organizing a sports challenge from November 1 to 15, with proceeds going directly to the emergency fund, which supports learners⸱es most urgent needs and the development of new campuses.
👉 More information about the challenge:



The Olympic and Paralympic Games are officially over, but at Label Emmaüs we've decided to keep up the sporting spirit to support a solidarity cause.
Our endowment fund is launching its first challenge to mark Social and Solidarity Economy Month!
The aim of this event is to promote equal opportunities by raising funds to support the actions of our endowment fund.
🏃‍♀️ A sporting challenge open to all!
You choose:
- Run or walk, the main thing is to surpass yourself;
- No minimum number of kilometers;
- When you want, where you want, between November 1 and 15, 2024!!
The event is also open to companies. Would you like to mobilize your employees and get moving for a good cause? Contact [email protected] to organize your tailor-made challenge!
🔎 To find out more about our actions, go here:
📆 To register, go here: 

A well-deserved vacation for the school! update

A well-deserved vacation for the school!

 The beginning of August was a busy month for Label Ecole, which after several days of exams can proudly celebrate its 17 new graduates.
With a little stress but above all a lot of pride, the learners were able to present their final project in front of a jury of professionals and showcase all the skills learned during the course.

Congratulations on all your hard work, and we wish you every success for the rest of your career!

After a few days' rest for the team, it's now time to prepare for the start of the new school year and set up the new campus in Marseille, in anticipation of the arrival of the new class!

Our website is officially online! update

Our website is officially online!

For several months, we've been working on the creation of our own website, a veritable showcase for the endowment fund that provides a clear vision of our actions and solidarity projects! It's finally online:
A big well done to Inès, former trainee at Label Ecole, who over the last four months has worked to create a clear, functional site where you can find all our projects on insertion and reemployment and our news. This internship shows that the training offered at Label Ecole provides keys and skills in the digital field.
After this great internship with the endowment fund, Inès is leaving us but won't be going far, as she'll be bringing her skills to Label Ecole next fall, where she'll be in charge of digital marketing and communications. 🎓
The Label Emmaüs - Fonds de dotation website is now yours to explore! 

🎓 Mock exams at Label Ecole update

🎓 Mock exams at Label Ecole

Last week at the school saw the first orals for the learners of Label Ecole's e-commerce Project Manager class.
The opportunity for them to share the progress of their individual projects: the creation of an e-commerce site on the theme of their choice.
Inès, web designer on internship for the Endowment Fund and former student of the school, was on hand as a jury to listen to and rate the future graduates, she tells us: 
"I was delighted to be able to contribute my experience and advice on their progress, I was able to see the beginnings of their graphic charters, mock-ups and the presentation of their product or service. It's always interesting to learn about the projects of people who are following the same course as me. I try to guide them on the posture to adopt, how to manage their stress, and the important details for the rest of their work."
We can't wait to see for each of them the outcome of their project, and we wish them every success as they continue their training! 💪 

PROFILE : Samia, Emmaüs companion and Label Ecole graduate update

PROFILE : Samia, Emmaüs companion and Label Ecole graduate

Label Ecole proudly celebrates the 82% success rate of its latest graduating class, a class that aims to be as inclusive as possible with 62% women and 86% people with a baccalaureate or lower.
The "e-commerce project manager" diploma equivalent to bac +3 will enable to continue their training by joining a master's degree, an internship or a corporate position next fall. 🎓
Recent graduate Samia, an Emmaüs companion in Lyon, where she was in charge of the online store on Label Emmaüs, set up her furniture and storage accessories site for small spaces during the 6 months of training.
She told us during her visit: "I'm not going to continue with this project just yet. First, I'd really like to be able to support my team at Emmaüs Lyon with the skills I've been able to acquire."
Discover Samia's full testimonial on our blog 👉 

Label Ecole École learners have talent! 💪 update

Label Ecole École learners have talent! 💪

We're delighted to present the project of Jeffet, a recent graduate from our latest class. During the 6 months of his training, he brilliantly developed his own online sales site to exhibit and market his Pixel Art works.
Thanks to the free courses offered at Label École, Jeffet was able to master a multitude of skills, from code to UX/UI design, photography, marketing and communications. Today, he holds an "e-commerce project manager" diploma equivalent to a Bac+3.
Passionate about retro games and manga, Jeffet has been making creations of all kinds for several years. In 2019, he discovered pixel art, which he self-taught thanks to YouTube, and exhibited his works on his Instagram account.
Continuing his momentum, Jeffet now offers personalized print creations to his customers, available on his website.
If you'd like to support Label École's learners, you can contribute to our emergency fund, which aims to meet their needs to follow the training serenely (purchase of a computer, housing assistance, contribution to transport costs, etc.). 

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Employees at the start of the Transat Jacques Vabre! update

Employees at the start of the Transat Jacques Vabre!

On October 29, our 2 sailors took the start of the Transat Jacques Vabre yacht race! To mark the occasion, we offered our employees the chance to attend this event by providing them with a few days' vacation, financed by Emmaüs France.

During a rather sunny weekend, our employees were able to visit the departure village, meet the sailors, christen our boat and finally ... watch the start of the race! 

Navigons pour la solidarité: 

This race was an opportunity to highlight our cooperative and also our solidarity project: the creation of a solidarity fund for training in digital professions  for people furthest from employment!

Thanks to the support of our partners during the event, and to various contributions, we will be able to welcome people to our training center next February. 

We are still looking for funds to support more people far from employment. 

En route for the Transat Jacques Vabre! update

En route for the Transat Jacques Vabre!

Our 2 sailors are officially qualified for the Transat Jacques Vabre yacht race starting October 29 in Le Havre! And yet it hasn't been a smooth ride... 

Act, don't suffer, and rely on solidarity! 
Last June, our two skippers were hit by a fishing boat during a training run. Fortunately, our two sailors were unharmed, but the boat was badly damaged. We have therefore launched a solidarity fund to repair our Class 40 sailboat! 

Thanks to many supporters, the boat will be repaired in time and our two skippers will be able to take this departure to sail for solidarity! 

Sailing for solidarity 
As a reminder, this sporting event will highlight our endowment fund's project: to create a solidarity fund for training in digital professions for people far from employment, and to call on the tech and digital sectors to be more inclusive in their recruitment!

We're still looking for partners willing to join us on this adventure! 

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Label Transition wins SSE trophy! update

Label Transition wins SSE trophy!

Waiting to find sufficient funding to develop the solidarity stock exchange project currently under development, Label Transition received the SSE trophy for its Label Emmaüs solidarity bookshop opened in the 20th arrondissement of Paris.

Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!