Protecting students' mental health

Nightline publishes an evaluation of its peer-to-peer night listening line

Dear difteurs,

ASDO Études and Nightline publish the first external evaluation of the peer-to-peer nighttime listening service:2 callers agreed to answer a series of interviews conducted by the firm!

The evaluation was based on 22 semi-directive interviews, conducted remotely, between April and December 2024, by telephone or visio by sociologists from Asdo études. ☎️

The interviews were conducted using a comprehensive approach, located as close as possible to the callers' lived experience. The aim was tofoster a dialogue where callers felt fully listened to and understood, and to create a space for free expression, where callers could share their experiences without fear of judgment or misunderstanding. ✨

Analysis of the interviews enabled us to draw out elements concerning the biographical backgrounds of the students interviewed, their motivations for calling Nightline, their satisfaction factors, as well as the effects felt after using the helpline.

A big thank you to you, dear difteurs, for your invaluable support and donations 🙏

A day in the life… of an English-speaking listening volunteer at Nightline

Dear difters,

In France, there are nearly 400,000 international students, many of whom are English speakers.

These students face unique challenges that local students may not experience, such as loneliness, isolation, homesickness or difficulties with integration. Being able to talk to a fellow student in English about how they’re feeling is therefore an essential service for many of them, which Nightline France provides via its English-speaking listening line.

Please read here to know more :

Thank you for your invaluable support and donations !

Launch of Nightline's annual campaign: Fresco of Mental Health®.

Dear difers,
As World Mental Health Day approaches, Nightline is launching a new awareness campaign for de la Fresque de la Santé Mentale®. This is an educational tool developed over more than a year, with the support of the Sisley d'Ornano Foundation, and in partnership with Psycom for the design.
We are delighted to count on the support of Michel Cymès and content creator Clément Gauthier, new ambassadors for the association, who are mobilizing to promote this tool to the general public.
A big thank you to you for your invaluable support and your difts! 

Publication of Nightline's Annual Business Report 2023-2024

The Nightline teams are proud to share our association's 2023-2024 annual activity report. It is available online here: 

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