Digital technology for the professional integration of vulnerable groups

+800,000 parents made more aware of digital family life update

+800,000 parents made more aware of digital family life

This year, we've launched 3 awareness campaigns aimed at parents in Paris, Guadeloupe and the Occitan region.
The aim? To raise parents' awareness on social networks (Facebook and Instagram) of digital family issues and invite them to take part in our events and webinars to better support them on a daily basis.
Some key figures: 
📊 800,000+ parents reached by our ads 
👥 480+ participants in our e-parenting events in 2024 
🎬 2,100+ views on our video content dedicated to e-parenting (replays, interviews, etc.)
These results demonstrate the importance of this topic for families. That's why, from the start of the new school year, we'll be continuing to develop our actions with the support of our partners. New initiatives are in the pipeline to support even more parents in their daily digital lives. 💻👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 

New conference on the theme of digital technology and seniors!

On May 21, WeTechCare, SFR and the ANEM - Association Nationale des Elus de la Montagne organized a conference on the theme: "How to make digital an opportunity for seniors in isolated territories?"
An opportunity to highlight the tremendous opportunities that digital technology can offer seniors living in isolated territories in terms of prevention, social links, access to care and services.... but also toremind us of the importance of removing the barriers these audiences face with regard to digital.
Among the speakers at this webconference, Pascale Boyer, Member of Parliament for the Hautes-Alpes, reminded us of the relevance and usefulness of systems such as telemedicine, which guarantee continuity of access to healthcare for people living in rural areas, while limiting the need for long journeys.
Find the full webconference replay here! 🎬👇 

WeTechCare at the French National Assembly update

WeTechCare at the French National Assembly

WeTechCare co-organized the event "Les nouveaux enjeux de l'inclusion numérique" at the National Assembly with MPs Béatrice Piron and Perceval Gaillard, under the High Patronage of the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet.
👉 On the program: 4 round tables to understand, anticipate and discuss the challenges of digital inclusion linked to professional integration, parenthood, ageing well, overseas territories and impact measurement.
So many subjects on which we are mobilized through our programs and with our partners. Just a few examples ⬇️ 
  • Developing the digital skills of cleaning employees
  • Awareness-raising among Parisian parents on the challenges of e-parentality
  • Participating in the development of an observatory on digital access to healthcare
  • Supporting the Guadeloupe prefecture in the coordination and training of digital caregivers in its territory

🎬 A replay of the speeches is available on our YouTube channel.

Best wishes from WeTechCare! update

Best wishes from WeTechCare!

The WeTechCare team wishes you all the best and thanks you for your support!
Thanks to you, our platform Les Bons Clics, a free website to support fragile publics on digital, was able to continue its development in 2023!
- More than 71,000 caregivers have created an account on Les Bons Clics to help fragile publics;
- More than 75,000 beneficiaries have created an account to train on Les Bons Clics;
- More than 3,800 caregivers have been trained via our webinars.
Together, let's continue our efforts to make digital an opportunity for all!

330 parents supported over the last school year in digital matters update

330 parents supported over the last school year in digital matters

One parent in two says they don't feel they have enough support when it comes to their children's digital habits.
This is why WeTechCare is running a project with the City of Paris and the Paris CAF to raise awareness and equip parents on this subject.
This year, we organized 3 webinars with experts on the subject (Internet Sans Crainte, UNAF and 123 Kid) on various issues that question parents: cyberbullying, social networks, video games, screen time.
More than 330 parents and support professionals took part in these webinars, and over 30,000 parents were made aware via our communication campaigns on social networks.
We're continuing our action this year in the Paris area, and will soon be extending it to other territories!

End of season for the DigiTruck in Eastern France: 1,000 new people supported

This July heralds the end of another DigiTruck season! An opportunity to look back at the project's impact, our successes and next steps.
Transformed into a connected classroom, the DigiTruck truck traveled 1,365 kms in the Grand-Est region to offer free training to people far removed from digital, as well as to digital caregivers who wanted to enrich their accompaniments.
In just 17 weeks, more than 1,000 people were supported in 680 hours of training in the 8 communes which hosted the truck! Thanks to their involvement in building aschedule adapted to the needs of citizens and local social action structures, we were able to provide our support in reducing the digital divide in these territories!
The DigiTruck is much more than just a truck, it's a learning opportunity accessible to alland ahighlight on the opportunities that digital can bring.
WeTechCare would like to extend our warmest thanks to all those who have made this project possible, our partners Huawei and Close The Gap, as well as the many people who attended our workshops and benefited from the expertise of our trainers !!
See you in September inIle-de-France for a new season!

Already 1 million people with digital support update

Already 1 million people with digital support

🙌 When the association was founded in 2016, we set ourselves the goal of accompanying 1 million people digitally. Seven years later, this symbolic milestone has been reached!
🚀 While this figure is a source of pride, it motivates us above all to do even more for the millions of people who are still struggling with digital.
🎯 Next goal: to empower 2 million people by 2025!
👉 By applying our expertise in digital inclusion to all relevant sectors.
👉 By continuing to develop adirect link and tailor-made hybrid learning solutions for audiences.
👉 By relying on anetwork of ambassadors and local partnersto act as closely as possible to the needs on the ground.
To relive the first seven years of WeTechCare and look forward to the next, you can read our manifesto.
We would like to thank all the contributors to the project, with whom we build solutions for those in need every day. Only together can we create a future where digital technology is fully synonymous with social progress for all. 

The DigiTruck continues its tour of France, this time heading for the Grand Est region, where it will remain from March to the end of June 2023. update

The DigiTruck continues its tour of France, this time heading for the Grand Est region, where it will remain from March to the end of June 2023.

The DigiTruck, an initiative launched in collaboration by WeTechCare, Huawei and Close The Gap, brings digital technology as close as possible to the population, and in particular to "Quartiers Prioritaires de la Ville" (QPV) whose residents need to improve their access to training, integration and employment. Thanks to its mobile classroom, participants receive training at workstations equipped with refurbished Huawei computers, tablets and smartphones. The truck, powered by solar energy, is totally autonomous.
The donations collected enable us to run four to five workshops every day, lasting an hour or two, to learn or perfect digital skills. Participants familiarize themselves with the tools, discover digital best practices or even learn how to carry out online procedures (taxes, France Connect, Doctolib, social networks...).
To date, the digital truck has welcomed over 3,600 people in 23 towns.
Several stops have been made possible thanks to the support provided: after Haguenau and Mulhouse, it's now the turn of the towns of Remiremont and Epernay to enable their residents to train them in basic digital skills. 
The rest of the itinerary will be revealed at a later date, but support is still needed to keep the project going!

15 WeTechCare webinars in 2 months update

15 WeTechCare webinars in 2 months

Between December 2022 and January 2023, we ran 15 webinars for social support workers, attended by 590 participants. These online training courses covered a wide range of digital support topics: access to the law, professional integration, e-health and parenting in the digital age. These courses are designed to give social workers greater confidence in their ability to support their clients in these areas.

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