Promoting the inclusion of disabled children through sport

Welcoming more and more extraordinary children into sport! update

Welcoming more and more extraordinary children into sport!

Dear Captains,
The Enfants de la Balle association has been lucky enough, thanks to Captain Cause and the difts of all its captains, to be supported by the Carrefour Foundation. Thanks to these two partners, there will be 20 new inclusive partner clubs and at least 20 children with disabilities who will be able to practice a sport in an ordinary environment, in a club in their neighborhood, in 2024 and 2025. 
Remember that the Enfants de la Balle methodology is based on 2 axes: the association offers educational assistance for the sports club so that it can easily welcome the difference, and above all, the extraordinary child is accompanied throughout the year by his or her referring adult, the volunteer sports life helper. And it's magical! The child regains self-confidence and makes friends thanks to the benefits of sport and social inclusion. 
Thanks to Captain Cause and the Carrefour Foundation, we had the immense joy of attending the parajudo competitions on Friday September 6 in Paris. Since the Paralympic Games, many requests from families have poured in to the children of the ball. We included 5 children in the week of September 15. 
Thank you again to all the Captains and have a great start to the new sporting year! 

Inclusive Sports Day update

Inclusive Sports Day

On June 14, the association les Enfants de la Balle organized the 1st Inclusive Sport Day at Décathlon Campus in Villeneuve d'Ascq (59).

Nearly 200 guests gathered around the actors of inclusive sport: children with disabilities, of course, the clubs of our inclusive community, sports life helpers, and a few patrons supporting the association.

We welcomed the children around a snack and sports games. Then we organized a conference to present the association, its genesis, evolution and ambition. The highlight of the day was the testimonies of parents, AVSs, extraordinary children and sports coaches. Good humor and emotion were the order of the day!

Focus on the inclusive soccer clubs that are partners of Enfants de la Balle update

Focus on the inclusive soccer clubs that are partners of Enfants de la Balle

Dear Captains,
As of the end of April 2024, we are supporting 80 inclusive sports clubs that are partners of Enfants de la Balle and welcome 230 children with disabilities into their structures.
One sport is well represented: soccer, with 14 member clubs in which 75 extra-ordinary children play, for weekly practice with children who are not disabled. And it's magical! Our partner clubs are located all over France, in the Hauts-de-France, Ile-de-France, Brittany and Burgundy regions. We are supported in our development by the LOSC (Lille Club) and the Val de Marne Football District.
Bravo again and thank you for your support, which helps our association to grow every day in favor of the inclusion of extra-ordinary children in sport!

New "extra-ordinary" children welcomed to our inclusive clubs update

New "extra-ordinary" children welcomed to our inclusive clubs

Dear donors, dear friends,
Here's some news about the sports clubs that have joined the Sport Inclusif des Enfants de la Balle community since September 2023:
- 3 children and an Aidant de Vie Sportive, AVS, will start classes at Avenir Bondues Basket Club (59) after the February 2024 vacations.
- 10 children with special needs or disabilities are already part of Basket Club d'Escaudœuvres (59). Some don't need an AVS and are independent, others need help, the association takes care of them!"
- At Lomme Basket Club, 1 child will start sessions at the beginning of March 2024.
- We're in contact with the PRH du Nord, Pôle Ressources Handicap, to help Cercle d'Escrime de Roubaix (59) find a child to include.
- For Sport Athlétique Mérignacais (33), several children are waiting to be included and we're looking for AVSs. If you know any volunteers willing to give 1h30 of their time per week, please contact us! [email protected]
And since January 2024, 6 new clubs have joined us: Club Nautique de Barneville (50), Stade Multisports de Montrouge (92), Badminton Club de Lezennes (59), Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois (59), Ride On Lille (59) and Raquette de Villeneuve d'Ascq (59).
Thank you all, it's thanks to you that more than 200 "extra-ordinary" children can blossom and make friends!

New inclusive clubs for back-to-school 2023 update

New inclusive clubs for back-to-school 2023

9 sports clubs have joined the Enfants de la Balle association since the start of the September 2023 school year. They have decided to welcome at least one disabled child into their structure, with the support of a volunteer helper, a referent adult who will support and help the child progress on the pitch, every week.
We are therefore delighted to have formed a partnership with :
- l'Avenir Bondues Basket Club 
- le Basket Club d'Escaudœuvres 
- le Championnet Sports Paris 18ème
- le CJBB Le Cateau Basket
- le stade Roubaisien Basket
- l'USJC Rugby Paris
- le Lomme Basket Club
- le Cercle d'Escrime de Roubaix
- le SAM Omnisports - Sport Athlétique Mérignacais

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