Periodic protection for all

We're moving our stock! 📦 update

We're moving our stock! 📦

The new school year is off to a flying start! The association's Ile-de-France branch now has its own offices with dedicated storage space. 
This is where all the periodical products collected are stored until they are redistributed to Règles Élémentaires' partner associations in the Paris region. It's the start of a new stage in the association's territorial development.🩸

Règles Élémentaires shows taboos the red card on International Menstrual Hygiene Day ⚽

On May 28, Règles Élémentaires presented its "J'ai mes règles, je fais du sport!" project, as well as the results of its survey of young female soccer players and their coaches.
The results are indisputable: menstruation is a real source of stress, and even a brake on young players' sporting activities. 40% of respondents have in fact already missed a match because of their periods, due to pain, fatigue, but also for fear of having a stain or not being able to change their period product.
Since 2023, the association has therefore been working with young female and male players, as well as their coaches, to talk about rules, deconstruct preconceived ideas, and imagine how to create a suitable and welcoming environment for people who have their periods
The first interventions have already borne fruit: self-service period product dispensers have been installed, young people feel more comfortable talking about rules within their clubs, coaches are trained and made aware of the subject and are even adapting training sessions. 💪

Cap sur 2024! update

Cap sur 2024!

The year 2024 is already looking promising... And that's saying something, because 2023 has been rich in actions and achievements!
The association celebrated its 8th anniversary and we passed the 15 million protections collected mark since the association was founded. This represents 1,200,000 months of menstruation covered. And we don't intend to stop there, because at present, 4 million people are still in a situation of menstrual precariousness.
Our resolution for 2024? Talk about periods, everywhere, all the time!

Do you know what's in your sanitary pads? update

Do you know what's in your sanitary pads?

Règles Élémentaires has redistributed over 15 million pads since its creation in 2015. These protections are indispensable to the 4 million people who are in menstrual precariousness today.
However, our association doesn't just work in the field, we're also committed to changing the rules more globally, and this involves lobbying public authorities to actually regulate the composition of periodical protection.
In fact, we don't know what's in these protections because manufacturers aren't obliged to list the composition on the packets. That's why, on May 28, we published a petition alongside the Fondation des Femmes and the Collectif Georgette Sand to ask formore transparency on the composition of periodical protection.The decree currently being prepared on the subject doesn't suit us: not clear or restrictive enough.
Today, the petition is approaching 20,000 signatures and the fight isn't over!  

Review of the first quarter 2023 - Thanks to you! update

Review of the first quarter 2023 - Thanks to you!

Since the start of 2023, we've already redistributed over 150,000 sanitary pads to our partner associations in the Ile-de-France region, representing over 7,000 menstrual months covered so far.
This is a highly motivating figure, and we hope to keep up the momentum for the rest of the year!
In fact, according to our latest survey in collaboration with Opinion Way, there are 4 million people who are in a situation of menstrual precariousness in France. 

672,958 sanitary pads distributed in Paris in 2022 update

672,958 sanitary pads distributed in Paris in 2022

The aim of this project was to finance all the activities of the Paris branch for the collection and redistribution of sanitary protection. This year, 672,958 products were distributed to Parisian associations, thanks in particular to our new storage facility, located in the 18th arrondissement, which enables us to be as close as possible to the needs. For the time being, the Paris area is linked to our national activities, but from February onwards, we'll be able to open our brand new branch, headed by 4 motivated and well-trained volunteers. They will enable us to better coordinate the various activities in the Ile-de-France region and redistribute funds more efficiently. We're also looking forward to the forthcoming purchase of an electric car, which will enable us to distribute donations to small associations that don't have the means to travel.
In early December, in the company of the Cop'1 association, we were able to distribute sanitary pads to over 1,000 female students in the Place du Louvre.

Over 1 million sanitary pads redistributed! update

Over 1 million sanitary pads redistributed!

Since the beginning of the year, thanks to your support, the association has redistributed more than 1 million sanitary pads to nearly 80,000 women in need throughout France!

Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!