Gourmet meals to break the isolation of our seniors

Back to school 2024 update

Back to school 2024

Dear Captains,

We hope you've had a great back-to-school season. 

Here are a few (some are missing from the photo) profiles of volunteers who are committed on a daily basis to the cause of the elderly via our association, Etoilés et Solidaires

🤗 This back-to-school 2024 in a few words: 
- 6th re-entry for our association; 
- Initiatives 🇫🇷 developed in more and more regions; Hauts-de-France, Rhône-Alpes, Île-de-France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Aquitaine, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, l'Indre and le Cher.
- Seniors, but also a multiplicity of companions (young people in intergenerational flatshares, healthcare professionals, family carers) who enjoy our happy meals in the restaurant.
- The preparation and launch of our initiative, "Invitez un Aîné à Déjeuner" (Invite a Senior to Lunch) with beneficiaries of new structures: mobile palliative care units. Several regional experiments are in the pipeline. 
- Little words, letters and testimonials from elders or carers presenting us with the positive short- and long-term effects. 

📸 In pictures: a cheerful team of volunteers divided into 8 divisions (Strategy/Development, Communications, Audiovisual, Events, Legal, HR/Internal Communications, PR/Media, Website) to develop and co-host our various initiatives in favor of the cause of the elderly with zest and enthusiasm.

Photo credit: Eleonore WALLET

The eyes in the old! update

The eyes in the old!

Dear Captains,
If you're already on vacation, enjoy, let go! Unfortunately, this isn't the case for many seniors who are camping out in their residences. Fortunately, there's no shortage of gourmet addresses, and bistros are joyful landmarks. An art of living that we continue to develop throughout France for our seniors. Let's take a look at these moments of happiness.
A look back at the La Table de nos Aînés initiative at the L'Instant Gourmand restaurant in Valenciennes (59):
"The residents have rediscovered the true taste of the terroir. I was surprised to see some of the residents, who don't usually have much of an appetite, finish their plates! A change of scenery and the fact that they are valued has opened up their appetites."
Returning to the La Table de nos Aînés initiative at the L'Ataraxie restaurant in Toucy (89):
"We were very well received. It has to be said that we're not used to gourmet restaurants! Impressed by the work of the cooks and waiters, who have their work cut out for them. The chef came and we took a photo. It's all a change from our daily routine."
Returning to the Invite a senior to lunch initiative at the Envol des saveurs restaurant in CROLLES (38):
"A moment out of time, taken out of the usual care context, with a caregiver who enjoyed this moment of respite. A special mention for the starter and the bugnes à la fleur de sel. And a magnificent view of the Belledonne mountain range and the Dent de Crolles."

😉 5 good reasons to invite a senior to lunch! update

😉 5 good reasons to invite a senior to lunch!

We're not going to beat around the bush: in the north, in Burgundy, Rhône-Alpes, Languedoc-Roussillon, Paris... Etoilés et Solidaires has more than one trick up its shopping bag, and takes you where you least expect it. 

You're touched by the cause of old age? 

1. Our concept is really cool: offering a meal to senior / healthcare professional / or / young intergenerational roommate / or / family caregiver duos
2. Our initiative is the perfect way to share both a gourmet and convivial moment
3. Duos don't have to manage anything. Our Étoilés & Solidaires team reserves the restaurant suggested by the duo
4. Testimonials from satisfied duos will appear in our next newsletter and also, on our social networks (no obligation of course! )
5. Best of all, you'll be making seniors want to get out and about again. Getting moving helps maintain autonomy and self-esteem. 

🍽️ In 2023 - 144 seniors and companions took part in our initiative, invite a senior to lunch. 

🍽️ Since January 2024 - 100 seniors and carers have taken part in our initiative, inviting a senior to lunch. 
Our aim is to offer meals in our 15 French regions to enable many seniors and carers to share a warm, complicit moment. 

🤝 Every company can do its bit for caregivers! update

🤝 Every company can do its bit for caregivers!

🇫🇷 In France, 11 million people provide day-to-day support for a loved one suffering loss of autonomy or a disability. These caregivers generally suffer from isolation, exhaustion and a lack of recognition! On October 6, 2023, the Ministry in charge of Solidarity and Disability presented the new 2023-2027 national mobilization and support strategy for caregivers, and signed a commitment charter for close caregivers with companies and associations. 70% of caregivers are working people.
🤝 Étoilés & Solidaire is now committed to employee caregivers!
🍽 All companies can get involved by offering restaurant meals to their employee caregivers, and leave everything to us! Thanks to our many partner restaurants, it's possible to offer moments of respite to employee-caregivers and their loved ones.
📱We'll be spreading the word on our social networks about the fine initiatives of companies that are mobilizing for their employee-caregivers.
👩🏻‍🦳 We're firmly convinced that old age is a responsibility to be shared. So that the taste of their time is as good as ours!

🎙️ Creating lasting memories for our seniors update

🎙️ Creating lasting memories for our seniors

🎙️ Podcast online  !
🍽️ The initiative to offer our elders not only quality food but also to preserve the social fabric within a warm atmosphere forms the very heart of the vision carried by the Étoilés et Solidaires association. Founded by Marie Guillois, the association is resolutely committed to enriching the lives of our seniors through culinary experiences, within the framework of festive, supportive and gastronomic events, with the aim of combating the isolation that too often affects our elders.
🌟 In this episode, Marie introduces us to her journey but also to the birth of the project. Since its creation in 2018, Étoilés et Solidaires has continued to multiply its positive actions, creating lasting memories for our seniors. It's a project in constant development, rallying ever more individuals and organizations, all united by the essential values of solidarity, sharing and conviviality. 🫶🏼
👵🧑 Every action initiated by Étoilés et Solidaires represents another step towards a society where age is not synonymous with isolation, but rather an invitation to celebrate the richness of experience and strengthen intergenerational ties.
👉 An inspiring episode, to be listened to without moderation:

Offer restaurant meals for our isolated grandparents and their carers! update

Offer restaurant meals for our isolated grandparents and their carers!

In this month of March, when March 4 was Grandmother's Day, here is a short text written by Marie GUILLOIS, Founder of ETOILÉS & SOLIDAIRES. 

😍 Happy Grandmother's Day to all Grandmothers!
💙 To Grandmothers by descent or adoption...
💙 To the Grandmothers who guide us, pass on, advise...
💙 To the Grandmothers who carry us with their tenderness and affection...
💙 To the Grandmothers who watch over us from far or near...
✨ You are our treasures.

👩🏻‍🦳👨🏻‍🦳 More than 8251 seniors have benefited from our solidary and gastronomic initiatives in 5 years through our STARS AND SOLIDARIES initiatives :

🍽 La Table de nos Aînés X Salariés : Seniors and employees of a company take part in an intergenerational tablée at a restaurant in their geographical area.
🍽 Invitez un Aîné à Déjeuner (Invite an Elder to Lunch): an isolated elderly duo and healthcare professional or family caregiver or young person in an intergenerational shared apartment share a lunch in a restaurant in their geographical area. 

🙌 The aims of these initiatives: 
- to combat social isolation and undernutrition; 
- to help change the way society looks at aging;
- to maintain seniors' independence;
- to foster intergenerational links between seniors and young people in shared accommodation, family carers and healthcare professionals. 

For our isolated seniors, our adoptive grandparents - we will continue ever further to reintegrate them into the 💙 of our society. 
🇫🇷 Projects for 2024:
📍develop our initiatives - the Table de nos Aînés, Invitez un Aîné à Déjeuner in new regions;
📍incite more companies to participate in our "Tables de nos Aînés x Salariés".
😉 You are touched by the cause of the elderly via our association, ÉTOILÉS ET SOLIDAIRES, help us develop the Table de nos Aînés & Invitez un Aîné à Déjeuner in regions by a tax-deductible financial donation.

😍 2023, a year of mobilization for our isolated grandparents update

😍 2023, a year of mobilization for our isolated grandparents

🤗 A look back at this magnificent, joyful and hectic year 2023 when so many of you took part in our gastronomic initiatives in favor of our seniors: our team of volunteers, chefs, partners, companies, our sponsors, personalities...
👩🏻‍🦳👨🏻‍🦳 8251 seniors have benefited from our initiatives since July 2019. 
📍Some figures from 2023: 
🍽 123 events carried out ;
👏 34 "Table de nos Aînés" in Paris, Rhône-Alpes, Languedoc-Roussillon, Hauts-de-France ;
👏 6 "Tables de nos Aînés x Salariés" ;
👏 72 "Inviter un Aîné à Déjeuner" ;
👏 9 "Les Chefs s'invitent chez nos Aînés" ;
👏 2 solidarity operations : 
- a distribution of logs offered by Hugues POUGET (Pastry Chef) to seniors;
- a distribution of beauty/hygiene products offered by Léa to seniors.
👩🏻‍🦳👨🏻‍🦳 For our isolated seniors, our adoptive grandparents - we will continue ever further to reintegrate them into the 💙 of our society. 
🇫🇷 Our plans for 2024:
📍develop our initiatives in new regions;
📍incentivize more companies to participate in our "Tables de nos Aînés x Salariés".
🤗You are touched by the cause of the elderly via our association, ÉTOILÉS ET SOLIDAIRES, help us develop the Table de nos Aînés & Inviter un Aîné à Déjeuner en régions through a tax-deductible financial donation.
💙 The entire Etoilés & Solidaires team wishes you a very happy and successful year 2024!

A TV reporter talks about his job over a good meal! update

A TV reporter talks about his job over a good meal!

🌟 La Table de nos Aînés X Personnalité 
Once every 2 months, a personality (actor, singer, humorist, writer, journalist) comes to share his or her profession and also, to answer the seniors' questions.
🍽️ A big THANK YOU to Francois-Xavier MÉNAGE, TF1's great reporter for sharing his journalistic experiences around a beautiful intergenerational table at the Halle aux grains in Paris.
🧑🏻‍🦳👴🏻 Our dear elders were delighted to hear François-Xavier MÉNAGE talk about his job as a major reporter, and also to pass on innovative ideas for reinventing the TV news of "tomorrow". 
😉 Thanks to all the teams, especially, 
Mathieu MURATET for organizing these magnificent tablées, which the seniors remember with fondness every time. 
🎥 Video report coming soon on Étoilés et Solidaires

Invite an Elder to Lunch in your region update

Invite an Elder to Lunch in your region

Our initiative, Invitez un Aîné à Déjeuner is expanding in the regions: Hauts-de-France, Rhône-Alpes and Paris.
🍽Our concept: a duo of isolated seniors and healthcare professionals or young people in intergenerational flatshares or family carers share a gastronomic, complicit and convivial moment in a restaurant in their geographical area.
📍The objectives of this initiative: 
  • Incentivating seniors to get out of the house and visit restaurants. Getting moving helps maintain autonomy;
  • Giving seniors the desire to eat healthily, thus combating undernutrition;
  • Recovering self-esteem: isolated seniors have regained a taste for getting ready before going to the restaurant (dressing, styling, hygiene care). Physical well-being naturally has an impact on morale;
  • Improving the home-care approach: offering a meal to senior-helper duos;
  • Favoring intergenerational or family ties between an isolated senior and a young person in an intergenerational shared apartment or family caregiver.

There's no age limit for reaching for the stars update

There's no age limit for reaching for the stars

🗞 Discover Camille OGER's article featured in the November and December 2023 issue of "Régal" magazine. Currently on newsstands. 
"What if a lunch in a good restaurant changed lives? 
The association, ETOILÉS & SOLIDAIRES offers isolated elderly people a moment of conviviality and pleasure around fine tables, awakening forgotten pleasures and gestures."

La Table de nos Aînés at FOREST + visit to MAM update

La Table de nos Aînés at FOREST + visit to MAM

📷 Discover a solidarity, cultural and gastronomic initiative...
👨🏻‍🦳👩🏻‍🦳 Our beloved seniors were invited to visit the Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris (MAM) with the excellent guide-conférencier, SALVATORE TULIPANO.
- Intergenerational lunch at the FOREST restaurant where Chef Julien SEBBAG and his team regaled us with multiple starters, main courses, desserts as colorful as they were exquisite.
🎙 Testimonial from Cedric Aumonier - member and companion at the Table de nos Aînés :
"Wonderful convivial tasting moment with our seniors from the 12th arrondissement of Paris. After visiting the museum, we enjoyed succulent dishes to share, in the shade of a cool forest in the Forest restaurant, one of the Moma group's many remarkable addresses. Our favorite was the 3-chocolate cookies..."
🌟 A big thank you to Emilie Patou of MOMA GROUP PARIS and to Sonia Legros
of Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris for organizing this initiative that is at once, supportive, cultural and gastronomic.
🎥 David Catel

La Table de nos Aînés at the Halle aux Grains update

La Table de nos Aînés at the Halle aux Grains

🌟A big thank you to the entire team at CELSIUS Avocats + EASIWARE for their financial donation towards the organization of a Table de nos Aînés. 

🍽 We were very fortunate to offer a gourmet meal to Susanne, Jacqueline, Lili, Abel, Seymabon and Nathalie accompanied by the autonomous residences of the Centre d'Action Sociale de la Ville de Paris. 

👩🏻‍🦳👨🏻‍🦳 This beautiful tablée took place at the Halle aux Grains, a restaurant-café suspended in the sky. Our dear seniors discovered a surprise menu concocted by Michel BRAS, multi-starred Chef. 
📷 David CATEL 

Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!