Providing meal baskets for underprivileged students

Cop1's 25th antenna: Toulouse! update

Cop1's 25th antenna: Toulouse!

Dear difteurs,

Cop1 organized its first food distribution in Toulouse at the café associatif l'Escabel, just a few steps from the Capitole.

After a time of exchange and meetings with local solidarity players, Cop1 was able to lay the foundations for its new location, in France's fourth-largest student city, home to over 120,000 students. The first contact with the student public was striking: over 1,000 students signed up for the first distribution initially planning to welcome 200 people.

Great troubles call for great remedies: in response to this influx of requests for help, Cop1 doubled the capacity of this first distribution, and 75 students volunteered to help out right from the start - a record!

The challenge is great, but the commitment of this young team is such that we can count on them to reinforce the fight against student precariousness in Toulouse!!

A big thank you to you, dear difteurs, for your precious support and donations ✨

Cop1 celebrates Christmas by and for students! update

Cop1 celebrates Christmas by and for students!

Dear difteurs,

To reinforce its action with students during the holiday season, Cop1 volunteers hold stands at the various Christmas markets organized in the association's cities of intervention; in order to raise awareness and solicit support from the general public.

Through this action, gifts are distributed throughout December to students in need, in the spirit of an advent calendar!

If you too would like to support students at the end of the year, don't hesitate!

A big thank you to you, dear difteurs, for your invaluable support and donations ✨

Opening of Cop1's first solidarity canteen: the Cop1ne! update

Opening of Cop1's first solidarity canteen: the Cop1ne!

Dear difteurs,
First solidarity restaurant for students, la Cop1ne is a friendly place where all students can come and share a full menu for 3€ (based on Resto U prices).
The kitchen is run by a chef supported by a team of volunteers from the association, to offer fast food at lunchtime and dinner on the premises in the evening. Its access is open to the general public, who can also come and enjoy a meal at a solidarity rate to support the project,at less than 15€!!
This new restaurant is located in the 14th arrondissement of Paris and is also tasked with hosting the association's actions: creative and cooking workshops, debates, film evenings etc. 
So don't hesitate and come and taste our dishes!

Discover Fest1: cooking workshops by and for students update

Discover Fest1: cooking workshops by and for students

To complement the help provided by food distributions, Cop1 is rolling out Fest1s in all the towns in which the association is present. 
The aim of these cooking workshops is to bring together students receiving food aid around a full dinner with the aim of (re)acquiring a taste for cooking, learning thrifty techniques and healthy recipes, all while sharing a convivial moment.
Using the products on offer at the same week's distributions, the students are tasked with working together to prepare a starter, main course and dessert, and then to cook and, of course, eat it. In this way, students who have benefited from the food distributions obtain and share their culinary knowledge or recipe ideas, and improve their diet together. 
At present, Cop1 plans to bring in student cooks to supervise these workshops, while training for their future profession!

A new Cop1 employee thanks to the Captains! update

A new Cop1 employee thanks to the Captains!

Thanks to you, Lou has joined Cop1 as sponsorship and fundraising officer. 
After opening 4 branches in Orléans, Caen, Brest and Saclay over the last 2 months, the need to strengthen support and partners in order to respond to as many students as possible every day remains Cop1's priority.Through its missions, Lou is helping to ensure the quality of existing support, as well as the continued deployment of Cop1's intervention throughout France. 
A big thank you to you all!

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2023: a year rich in expansion! update

2023: a year rich in expansion!

2023 will have marked a turning point in Cop1's development:
With 10 new locations in 2023, the association has been able to reach 4 times more students than in 2022 while improving the quality of its help through new partnerships, more and more volunteers and growing visibility.

Today, Cop1 works through 14 branches and has been able to help 45,000 students by distributing 100,000 food parcels, organizing more than 1.000 workshops and support outings, and all thanks to the efforts of 2,500 volunteers
But the fight is still far from over!!
In 2024, Cop1's development continues to meet the growing demand for help from students: Besançon, Brest, Orléans, Pointe-à-Pitre and Toulouse are on the list of the next branches to be created!

Cop1 organizes the month of culture in November 2023 update

Cop1 organizes the month of culture in November 2023

Giving every student in France access to culture is Cop1's challenge for November 2023!
This month, Cop1 is focusing on culture through its branches in 15 cities across France, offering events (concerts, but also exhibitions), outings (to the theater, cinema, opera) or workshops (upcycling, painting, etc.). 
Up to now, 500 students have been able to benefit from free access to culture, and the action continues throughout the month! 
This month, Cop1 is focusing on culture through its branches in 15 cities across France, offering events (concerts, but also exhibitions), outings (to the theater, cinema, opera) or workshops (upcycling, painting, etc.).So far, 500 students have benefited from free access to culture, and the action continues all month long!

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Let's start!