Recycling waste in African schools

A new commune commits to Moi Jeu Tri in schools update

A new commune commits to Moi Jeu Tri in schools

Dear difteurs!

We have officially launched our activities in the commune of Yoto 2, marking a new stage in our commitment to sustainable waste management in Togo.

Following the study phase on the project to improve and structure household waste management in the commune of Yoto 2 in Togo, a partnership has been signed with the commune aimed at establishing apermanent household waste management and recovery channel.

The project is part of the Communal Development Plan (PDC) and addresses three key issues, including raising awareness through tailored educational programs in 15 schools, with the provision of 115 sorting bins for 4,500 pupils, the training of 10 young people far from employment, integrated into our program for collective and green entrepreneurship, and the installation of a tricycle to ensure efficient waste management in the commune and its schools.
We thank you, dear donors, for all your support ✨

Moi Jeu Tri deploys new sorting bins in Togo update

Moi Jeu Tri deploys new sorting bins in Togo

Dear difteurs,
Transformation of territories comes from changing behavior, and environmental education through children remains a key. Moi Jeu Tri, true to its mission, has proceeded to deploy a new sorting bin specifically for sorting Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in schools as part of the Val'IDEEE project.
This year, 100 schools will benefit not only from the WEEE sorting bins, but also from awareness-raising sessions aimed at 32,000 pupils on the types of waste these bins can sort. Educating pupils about waste sorting and demonstrating to them what is at stake in recycling helps to forge eco-citizen habits in them, spreading the message to communities through the educational role of the child.
Dear supporters, thanks to your commitment and the support of our patrons and partners, our mission of environmental awareness and education continues to go from strength to strength. Together, we are paving the way for a future where reusing and valuing are priorities!
Thank you all for your continued support!

Raising awareness with Moi Jeu Tri continues in schools with the Ma Planète Bleue competition update

Raising awareness with Moi Jeu Tri continues in schools with the Ma Planète Bleue competition

As part of Ocean Day, Moi Jeu Tri initiated a budding genius competition via its "Ma Planète Bleue" program, which took place in Togo and Côte d'Ivoire. The aim of the program is to raise schoolchildren's awareness of the need to protect marine and aquatic ecosystems. The competition tested their knowledge of the "Ma Planète Bleue" booklet.

A total of 20 schools took part in the event, reaching over 1,000 students. The initiative was a resounding success, enabling young people to better understand the importance of preserving our oceans, to become actively involved in their protection, and to effectively manage waste so that it doesn't end up in the oceans.

Thanks to your commitment, dear Captains, as well as the support of our patrons and partners, we continue to strengthen our mission of environmental awareness and education. Together, we are helping to build a future where ocean protection and sustainable waste management are priorities.

Thank you all for your unwavering support!

The European Chamber of Commerce (Eurocham) and Moi Jeu Tri join forces to promote sustainable development in communities and schools in Côte d'Ivoire

In a concerted move to strengthen commitment to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, Eurocham and Moi Jeu Tri recently joined forces at a ceremony to launch a "S'Investir Durablement Ensemble" project.

The "S'Investir Durablement Ensemble" project aims to strengthen Moi Jeu Tri's actions by broadening the scope of environmental and social impact. This launch ceremony was an opportunity to present the broad outlines of this ambitious project, but also to celebrate the first achievements. 

With this collaboration, 60 schools will be mobilized in 2 new communes in Côte d'Ivoire, new Moi Jeu Tri Clubs will see the light of day and raise awareness among 30,000 pupils and 15,000 households. In addition, 5 social projects will be launched over the next 48 months.

Thanks to you, the Captains, as well as our corporate sponsors and partners, we are reaffirming our commitment to shaping a sustainable future, where waste management and environmental preservation remain major imperatives. 

Moi Jeu Compost, focus on the biowaste recovery program. update

Moi Jeu Compost, focus on the biowaste recovery program.

Moi Jeu Tri teams are mobilized to raise awareness among students about the challenges of bio-waste management. 

We raise awareness and teach students to produce compost and reuse it. Students bring the organic waste they produce in their families to the school. 

This compost is then used to feed the vegetable garden set up in the school and used by the school canteens. 

Today, 15 schools in Togo and Côte d'Ivoire are equipped with composters and biodigesters, and 8,000 pupils have been made aware of the issues involved in recovering bio-waste and producing organic vegetables.

Inclusion and awareness of ocean protection are at the heart of Moi Jeu Tri's mission this year!

It was at the Ephphata school in Lomé, Togo, that our animators were able to pass on eco-gestures in favor of ocean preservation. In this school, adapted for deaf and hearing-impaired children, we raised awareness in several classes. Thanks to the teachers' use of sign language, our teaching and practices have been adapted for better transmission to the pupils. 

Understanding the birth of the Earth and its oceans, the birth of life and the water cycle are all themes addressed by our Ma Planète Bleue program, through an educational booklet co-created with the Fondation de la Mer. The aim of the program is to mobilize all young citizens around the ecological issues linked to the protection of marine ecosystems.

This year in Togo, we aim to raise awareness of the Ma Planète Bleue program among pupils in some 50 schools in Lomé and Togoville.

It's back to school time! update

It's back to school time!

It's back-to-school time in Togo and Côte d'Ivoire!
Our awareness campaigns are back on track so that all network member schools can once again be mobilized around eco-gestures.

Signature of a new partner commune in Côte d'Ivoire!

Dear Captains,
Fresh news from Côte d'Ivoire. We've just signed a new partner commune with the town of Grand Bassam!
30 new schools in the pipeline and 15,000 pupils involved on sorting in the coming months!
We'll let you enjoy with Alpha Blondy! "I am on my way to Grand Bassam...."

Raising awareness in Côte d'Ivoire! Captains ! 
We're in Port Bouët, a commune of Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire where we've raised awareness and involved over 15,000 schoolchildren in the practice of sorting and recycling household waste.
Port Bouët is on the edge of the Ebrié Lagoon and at the gateway to the Ocean (see video "Ma Lagune"). Too much waste is dumped there every day: changing behavior is all the more urgent. 
Thanks to you dear.e Captain, we're going to accelerate and try to double the number of pupils made aware by 2023-2024.
Thank you for your support. We'll be taking you to another land very soon!
Paul - For the Moi Jeu Tri team

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