Ecology at school

New edition! Are you ready? update

New edition! Are you ready?

Hello Captains,
The MPP team hopes you had a great summer! For the association, the new school year is full of exciting projects, and you? 
A new edition of MPP scolaire kicks off on November 27, 2024, and we can't wait. 
Because good news never comes alone, here are a few more: 
  • We're delighted to have ADEME as a partner. ADEME provides scientific expertise and relays our game to teaching staff and schools.
  • My school MPP is winner of the Inspiring Young European award. In addition to the financial endowment, this partner supports our European spin-off and encourages exchanges between our French and European classes.
  • We're stepping up our webinars to get more and more schools on board. If you know any teachers, don't hesitate to share our project with them and offer them the chance to take part!
  • We're launching a membership program aimed at the most involved schools. We're offering resources, content and more in-depth support.
  • Thanks to your donations, we've developed the application's openness to middle school students, high school students and parentss.
  • For the November 2024 edition, we're in touch with 11 relay academies.

We've started a new adult MPP edition this week (September 30)! Don't hesitate to participate with your friends and family, the challenge lasts 3 weeks.

You're welcome to join us for a session with colleagues, info is here
Thank you for supporting us in such numbers,
The MPP team

The kids have smashed the scores - now it's your turn!

Hello Captains,
A few weeks ago, the latest MPP school edition came to a close.
82,000+ students and their supervisors took part and validated over 1,005,000 challenges for our beautiful planet ! (+54% compared to the last edition!!).
Take 3 min to watch a video of their superb achievements!

Thank you again for your support!
The next edition open to all adults will start on May 27, 2024. We're taking advantage of the Olympic Games this year to do a special "Ecology Games" edition. A merry mix of challenges around sport, disability, solidarity and ecology at stake! :)

To take part in MPP in team-building mode with colleagues, the info is here:
Hope to see you there! 
The MPP Team
NB :  We don't have the same jersey, but we have the same planet! :)

A kit for eco-delegates and a special "Ecology Olympics and Paralympics" edition on the horizon! :) update

A kit for eco-delegates and a special "Ecology Olympics and Paralympics" edition on the horizon! :)

Hello dear Captains!
We hope you're feeling good! Here's some exciting news from the MPP asso:
The last school edition brought together 50,600 students and teachers all over France!!
2 min of pure motivation for our beautiful planet in the recap video here :   -->
In the meantime, we've created the "kit des éco-jeunes/délégués" for students who want to take the school MPP project into their classroom and continue learning about ecology! Share it with your middle and high school teens! :)
The next school edition will start on March 11, 2024 (we think it'll be a new mobilization record, we're working on it!). Here's a Com' and mobilization kit - talk to the teachers you know :)
Finally, we've decided to create a special edition in conjunction with the Olympic and Paralympic Games. From May 27 to June 17, 2024 - accessible to all. Invite your friends and family to take part! :)
There will be 70+ challenges around sport, inclusion, disability...and of course ecology!!
The idea is to make a hyper general public edition, which brings together as many people as possible, around the values of Olympism!!
Many thanks again for your support via Captain Cause, which enables us to continue rolling out "MPP scolaire" free of charge to as many schools as possible.
As a gift, we're giving you the complete 2023 retrospective of the whole asso! :) A chance to discover the team members, our lovely shared offices in Paris, and the highlights!!
Belle semaine,
Clément (Mathilde & Christian) - cofounders of the asso 

Unveiling of the Eco-Emotions kit and the 2024 Eco-Days calendar as a gift update

Unveiling of the Eco-Emotions kit and the 2024 Eco-Days calendar as a gift

Hello dear Captains!
The MPP association is making good progress overall! A new school edition kicks off this Monday, November 13. We're hoping to beat last year's attendance record. We'll get back to you at the end of the year when we have all the figures. The next one will take place in mid-March 2024, so talk to the teachers you know! :)
In the meantime:
<1/ we've created a kit on "eco-emotions" in partnership with "Zamizen" with the aim of preventing eco-anxiety and in particular enabling adults to welcome the difficult emotions of children from CE1 to CM2 regarding the issues of climate change. (To use with your children if relevant?)
2/ we circulated a calendar of eco-friendly 2024 days, which met with great success, particularly on Linkedin (over 500 requests). 
In HR, CSR and communications, theme days are key moments for implementing our impact projects!
So we decided to share with you the "Green Days" 🎸, the calendar we created at Ma Petite Planète.
➕ It lists +60 events throughout the year.
❓ Each event is sourced with an explanatory link.
Many options:
- Add it directly to your Google Calendar.
- Save the Notion page in your files, for quick access.

Many thanks again for your support, it allows us to continue rolling out "MPP scolaire" free of charge to as many schools as possible.
Beautiful week,
Clément - co-founder of the MPP team

Clap de Fin for the special edition - Savoir rouler à vélo! 🚲

106,473 students from all over the country took part in bike-related activities during the edition, including 4,204 students who went the extra mile by completing Ma Petite Planète challenges. In all, more than 1,465,000 bike-related challenges were completed! Well done! :)
Thank you to the Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse, to the Ministère des Sports et des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques to the Tour de France and to our bike adventurer godfather Maximilian Schnell for trusting the asso for this special edition!!
Dear Captains, on your bikes this summer! :)
See you on September 25, 2023 for the next edition open to all adults: join us on the app - - with your entourage! :)
For schools, the next edition will take place on November 13, 2023. We're counting on you to tell your children's (future) teachers and school principals about it. All the info here:

A new record! 53,000 students, from kindergarten to high school, took action for the planet in March/April!

53,000 students and their teachers in 2360 classes, mainly in France, but also abroad, were able to take part! Together, they were able to validate 670,600 BONUS Challenges for the Planet around food, waste, mobility, biodiversity, etc.... ! :)
The 3-minute video recap is a compendium of motivation for the planet, and accessible here:
The map of participating establishments is here:
Thank you again for your support, which enables us to perpetuate our impact, and don't hesitate to take part in the next edition open to the General Public (between friends, family, colleagues etc ...) starting on May 22! We look forward to welcoming you! Register directly on the "Ma Petite Planète" app :) 
Mathilde, Christian and Clément, the 3 co-founders of the association

Ma Petite Planète thanks you!

Discover Ma Petite Planète's video greetings.

41,000 students took action during the latest edition (November 2022) of the school version of the Ma Petite Planète challenge! update

41,000 students took action during the latest edition (November 2022) of the school version of the Ma Petite Planète challenge!

41,000 students and their teachers in 1850 classes, mainly in France, but also abroad, were able to take part! Together, they were able to validate hundreds of thousands of BONUS Challenges for the planet around food, waste, mobility, biodiversity etc.... ! :)
The 3-minute video recap is a compendium of motivation for the planet, and accessible here:
The map of participating establishments is here:
Thanks again for your support, it helps us to perpetuate our impact, and don't hesitate to take part in the next edition open to the General Public (between friends, family, colleagues etc ...) which takes place every year at the end of January/May/September! We look forward to welcoming you!
Clément DEBOSQUE - co-founder of the association

33,000 students raised awareness during the latest edition of the school version of Ma Petite Planète! update

33,000 students raised awareness during the latest edition of the school version of Ma Petite Planète!

The school version of the ecological challenge game Ma Petite Planète is going from strength to strength! Last year, 33,000 pupils and their teachers in 1,450 classes across France took part! Together, they were able to validate nearly 550,000 BONUS Challenges for the planet around food, waste, mobility, biodiversity etc... ! :) The 2-minute video recap is available here: Thanks again for your support, and don't hesitate to take part in the next edition, open to the general public (friends, family, colleagues, etc.), which started on September 26, 2022! Clément DEBOSQUE - co-founder of the association

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