The anti-gaspi short circuit against food insecurity

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Le Chainon Manquant
Action zones

The project

SolidarityCircular economy
Le Chainon Manquant collects quality fresh food surpluses from professionals, then redistributes them within 2 hours to local solidarity associations, offering a healthier, more varied diet to people in precarious situations.
of people in food insecurity in France in 2022
tonnes of food wasted in France every year
of high-quality fresh meals distributed by Le Chainon Manquant to solidarity associations


To improve access for the most disadvantaged to varied, quality food, Le Chainon Manquant offers an anti-gasping, solidarity-based scheme adapted to fresh, fragile produce.
Every day, Le Chainon Manquant volunteers collect surplus quality foodstuffs (fruit, vegetables, proteins, most often already cooked)from professionals - in particular from events and collective catering - then immediately redistribute them to nearby solidarity associations (solidarity distributions, solidarity restaurants, shelters, social grocery stores ...), according to their needs, to help people in precarious situations.

In 2023, over 150 tons of food were saved from destruction by 320 dynamic and committed volunteers.
This represented the equivalent of over 300,000 quality meals distributed to over 80 solidarity associations and the thousands of people in precarious circumstances they support.


The money will be used for

Le Chainon Manquant is facing new challenges: 
a decrease and greater volatility in solidarity donations from professionals linked to the boom in the sale of surpluses at knock-down prices;increased needs of associations in the face of exploding food insecurity.

The association must today transform itself to adapt to the new conditions of food donations and maximize its offer of quality meals for the associations supported! 

Thanks to the difts received, Le Chainon Manquant will be able to:  
professionalize its teams by recruiting an operations manager to better manage this new complexity;initiate a digital transformation project to gain efficiency and adopt a more opportunistic operating mode;cover sharply rising operational and logistical costs ;multiply partnerships and develop its collection circuits;develop and ever better listen to and support solidarity associations in their missions;

And thus give access to quality food to more people in difficulty!
Thanks to your difts

quality meals

2076 difts
Why we love it?

Combining the fight against food waste, the fight against precariousness and quality food is the (very) successful gamble of Le Chaînon Manquant: we can't help but endorse this ingenious ecological and social innovation!

I'd like any quality surplus, the fruit of the earth's riches and our labor, to be useful to the men, women and children who need it.
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Valérie de Margerie
Co-founder and President
Dift gem
2024 promotion
Le Chainon Manquant is a certified association meeting these six criteria:
Financial stability
Systemic impact
Sustainable development goals
More infos
Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!