Raising young people's awareness of the impact of digital technology

Training to become an animator...all year round! update

Training to become an animator...all year round!

Dear difteurs,
From now on, there's more than one way to train to run the workshop!
In addition to training sessions by promotion (October, February and April), we've set up an automated system that allows anim' to train at any time, according to their needs.
What hasn't changed is that access to training remains free, and that's thanks to you!
So a big thank you for your generosity and your difts! 🎉

Perfect timing for our commercial!

Dear difters,
We were lucky enough to have our advertising spot aired on the Zone Interdite special teens and screens!
Result: 129 new registrations for workshop requests or as a volunteer!
Thank you all for your invaluable support and difts. 

We've passed the 3,000-student mark in 2024 alone! update

We've passed the 3,000-student mark in 2024 alone!

What great back-to-school news! Even with summer upon us, the numbers just keep climbing! 
Our goal? To raise awareness among 5,000 students before the end of 2024. We're convinced we can do it!
Follow-up soon ;) 

Quality support! update

Quality support!

Dear Captains! Thanks to your difts, we were able to benefit from the support of the Canopé network and the Accélérateur d'Innovations Pédagogiques! The result: the creation of a pedagogical guide for teachers, so that they can make the most of the workshop and ensure that it finds its rightful place and meaning within the pupils' school curriculum. It's a great way of gaining legitimacy with teachers, and raising awareness among even more students! And it's all thanks to you! THANK YOU

Défi Future of Tech + Ma Petite Planète + Digital Clean Up Day ! update

Défi Future of Tech + Ma Petite Planète + Digital Clean Up Day !

In the last school edition of Ma Petite Planète, we co-organized a tripartite challenge for a more sober digital world with the Digital Clean Up Day teams. 
The big winner of this competition was Gaelle Dupont's class from Lycée Philippe Cousteau in Saint André de Cubzac  near Bordeaux! The prize?
A Future of Tech workshop!
And it's Boris and Lucas, facilitators trained in February who didn't know each other and co-hosted their first workshop together. The result? An average satisfaction score of 4.8/5 from the students. Another success and, above all, a great time! Well done to you Gaëlle, your students and our two animators!
The high school even created a article on its blog to highlight the experience.
In addition to continuing to offer the Future of Tech workshop throughout France to awaken students' critical thinking about the impacts of digital technology, we have begun approaches to several académies (Pays de la Loire, Versailles, Normandy in particular) with the aim of embracing teachers in the Future of Tech training.
Thanks again to all the Captains for their support, enabling us to be even more ambitious for the start of the new school year and the opportunity to present you with a new incarnation of the workshop.
The rest in the next episode!

Future of Tech now has a commercial!

The year 2023 ended with great news for the Future of Tech program: the creation and broadcast of a commercial on M6!!
Via a 20-second commercial, we addressed parents first and foremost to encourage them to discover the program and enable us to gain visibility with schools.
In 2023, thanks to you and your support, more than 2,700 students will be made aware of the social and environmental challenges of digital technology via the Future of Tech https://futureoftech.fr workshop.
That's 3 times more than in 2022!
More concretely, your support will enable us:
- to continue structuring teams and tools to steer the program and its community of anims;
- to print new decks of cards so we can send them out within our various partner establishments all over France;
- to initiate variations of the workshop around issues linked to artificial intelligence.
We're ambitious for 2024.
Through your support and that of several academies, we'd like to raise awareness among 5,000 students as early as 2024.
The urgent need to address the impact of digital technology is more pressing than ever, and we're convinced that this project will be of great benefit to this audience, who will be key players in tomorrow's digital world.
Thank you again for your support!
Tom for the Future of Tech team

A revised and improved workshop for season 3! update

A revised and improved workshop for season 3!

🎒 Future of Tech, the workshop for students from 6ème to Terminale that talks about digital professions and their impacts is back for season 3 ... and there are a few new features! ✨
After two seasons already completed, and above all over 2000 students made aware of it, we took advantage of the summer break to think about a new, even more fun and interactive version of the workshop! 🤩
➡️ Through a dedicated card game, debates and 7 educational mini-games, Future of Tech raises students' awareness of the impacts of digital through topical issues: addiction to screens, environmental impact of digital, cyberbullying, diversity in tech, etc.
ℹ️ We'd like to point out that the workshop still lasts 2 hours, remains 100% free for schools, and is suitable for all Secondary school levels! 🙂
📬 Feel like volunteering? Registration is still open and it's over here: https://app.latitudes.cc/future_of_tech_benevoles/
A big thank you for your support and for that of the 110 Bis, the innovation lab of the French National Education for its support for this new season! 🙏

Future of Tech celebrates its first anniversary 🎂 update

Future of Tech celebrates its first anniversary 🎂

The Future of Tech program was born of a desire: to bring the underbelly of the tech world to middle and high school students, and to raise their awareness of responsible practices. ✊
And one year on, here we are: the second season has just ended, with more than 1,200 students sensitized since January 2023, 100 volunteers who have learned how to run this workshop to intervene with us all over France and no fewer than 30 schools who have been able to benefit from our workshops free of charge.
"We've experienced so many moments, so many workshops organized, meetings with students who want to continue to get involved, the realization of a workshop at 110 Bis, the innovation lab of the French National Education and the famous victory of the first Engagé Hackathon of M6 Publicité which will allow us to have our 1st TV commercial at the end of the year. None of this would have been possible without the support of our partners and the unwavering commitment of our community of volunteers." Agathe Delas, Project Manager #FutureOfTech 🌱
In September, we're off on new adventures! 🚀
âž• To become a volunteer in your turn, registration is over here : https://lnkd.in/eUuzX_De
Forward to a new year with Future of Tech! 🌟

Already 2,000 students aware of the problem! update

Already 2,000 students aware of the problem!

Thanks to you, we've passed the mark of 2000 students having taken part in a Future of Tech workshop.
These students have thus been able to raise awareness of the impacts of digital technology, be they socio- and/or environmental.
To have an even more effective new format in this season 2, we've designed a dedicated deck of cards. This card game, tested in the last workshops, brings a new dimension to the device.
Through mini-games, students discover the professions and impacts of digital technology:
- they learn how to recruit a diverse and complementary team by analyzing profiles and skills;
- they discover the specificities of graphic models and particularly in terms of accessibility;
- they decode a source code after answering quizzes linked to the energy impact of digital technology;
- they are made aware of cybersecurity by taking a step back from their passwords.
Each workshop spent in a middle or high school class shows us the usefulness of the program for these young people who need to take a step back from their digital uses.
Thank you again for your support.
Latitudes' Future of Tech team

Latitudes thanks you!

Discover Latitudes' video greetings.

Future of Tech program exceeds target: 762 students trained in 3 months! update

Future of Tech program exceeds target: 762 students trained in 3 months!

Thanks to our corporate sponsors and all their Captains, we've been able to launch the new Future of Tech program, a 2-hour workshop for middle school students all over France.The aim of this program is to understand the different stages involved in designing an impactful mobile app. Each stage is an opportunity to present a profession and focus on one of the causes supported by Latitudes (digital sobriety, accessibility, respect for human beings, citizenship, diversity) through interactive, fun exchanges.
We had the ambition of raising awareness among 600 students and, thanks to you, we not only reached this goal but also exceeded it as 762 students took part in the program across France in 3 months! 
We are launching Season 2 of the Future of Tech program today with the ambition of training 1200 students. The 3 major challenges of this season will be:
- to launch partnerships in connection with the workshop (guidance, cyberbullying, diversity, etc);
- to continue the search for establishments (middle schools AND high schools) all over France (don't hesitate to help us on this point, we have a dedicated communication kit);
- the design and production of a real board game to make the experience even more fun and interactive (this is one of the budget components to be sought over 2023).

Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!