Nurseries to speed up reforestation

UNESCO approves our program! update

UNESCO approves our program!

💪 We are proud to announce that the YouCare Association Reforestation Program has been  accredited by UNESCO. This recognition shows the importance of our national and tomorrow, international plan dedicated to the protection of biodiversity.
Thank you all for your support!  

Plants continue to flourish update

Plants continue to flourish

We're still replanting seedlings at our South-West nursery! 
Already 202 seedlings have been repotted.
At our Ile-de-France nursery, work is continuing to make the land rehabilitated to accommodate our seedlings. 

The first sprouts are sprouting 🌱 update

The first sprouts are sprouting 🌱

At the Sud-Ouest nursery, our first seedlings have been sown! The results are already showing. 
The species planted are: maritime pine maples and ash.

An important day of mobilization 🚧 update

An important day of mobilization 🚧

The year 2024 is off to a great start! 🔥

On Saturday, January 6, 2024, a volunteer day was organized at the Ile-de-France nursery. 

On the program: cleaning, clearing brush, pruning and tidying 🌳

In one day, the progress made was impressive. We were accompanied by no fewer than 80 committed and motivated volunteers. 

The next day dedicated to nursery work with our volunteers will take place on February 18 💪

The first greenhouse built in the South-West! update

The first greenhouse built in the South-West!

🌱 Work on the Southwest nursery is progressing. In October, our first greenhouse was built and finalized. This first model is a prototype. We plan to create 27 more greenhouses of this type in the future. 

A second plot of land for biodiversity in Ile-de-France! update

A second plot of land for biodiversity in Ile-de-France!

🌳 In December 2023, the Association won a call for projects organized by Ile-de-France Nature. A 21,000 m2 plot of land in the Val-de-Marne department was made available by the region in order to reforest the national territory. Abandoned for 30 years, the land represents a challenge. After a major clean-up, it will have to be rehabilitated. 

🚧 Work will start in early 2024 for production in spring. 

First results already! update

First results already!

In August 2023, the layout plans for the buildings and greenhouses were finalized. We have also obtained earthworks permission from the town hall for the solar building. We are currently about 30% of the way through the earthworks.
The large building is an agricultural shed with a solar roof. This building will make it possible to secure the equipment, house the germination chambers, contain the rainwater collection and storage tanks for the greenhouses, and the sanitary facilities and changing rooms for the teams.
The wooden buildings shown two by two are the greenhouses. They can be dismantled and are built directly on the ground, without a concrete slab to minimize their impact.
On the left is the cat kingdom. These 4 zones are Algecos (movable buildings) fitted with wooden cladding. Around them, a wire-mesh area will allow the cats to enjoy semi-freedom. These facilities will create a sanctuary for stray cats, to make them safe and limit their negative impact on biodiversity.

Several advances are currently underway!

🌱 Since February 2023, the clearing work has been fully completed. 

💪 We have obtained the agricultural status needed to move forward with our future work within the nursery. 

🚜 At the beginning of April, our second-hand excavator was delivered. Work on levelling the site could therefore begin. 

👨 Once work on the nursery is complete, it will be charitable and therefore open to all. Although most of the people working on the nursery will be volunteers, in early June we welcomed our first employee who is already carrying out work on the nursery, Julien. 

We are continuing to work on setting up the nursery so that we can open it as soon as possible! 

YouCare incubator takes shape in the South of France update

YouCare incubator takes shape in the South of France

In 2022, we secured our land to establish our first YouCare nursery in the South of France. Work to clear the undergrowth began last September and October. The association's president returned to the site in December to accelerate the work. Today, more than 2/3 of the site has been cleared. The next stage? To finish clearing the undergrowth and then start installing the nursery facilities!

Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!