Training new teachers for priority zones

9.5/10 is the average score for our program ✨ update

9.5/10 is the average score for our program ✨

Dear difters,

At School Choice, we don't waver from the tradition of end-of-year reviews. Thus, we have just published our impact report 2024, which enables us to identify and quantify the social consequences of our actions in order to demonstrate their usefulness.

We won't spoil it all for you, but here are a few figures that get us excited:
🤝 95% of the teachers we support feel part of a collective.
🧑‍🏫62% of teachers project themselves in the profession following the program compared with 38% before the program.
🙌 8.25/10 is the average satisfaction score from school heads regarding Le Choix de l'école.

If the association achieves such results today, it's thanks to the work of all those who have worked on it and who believe every day in the academic success of all students.
Thank you to all the team, teachers, alumni, financial and academic partners, and to you, dear difteurs 💙

World Teachers' Day update

World Teachers' Day

October 5 was World Teachers' Day. Let's celebrate those who, every day, shape the future through education! 🙌
To be a teacher is not just to transmit and inculcate knowledge such as the Pythagorean theorem, 1515 Marignan or relative subordinate clauses...
➡️ It's to rub shoulders with dozens of students every day and build a unique bond of trust with each of them.
➡️ It's to listen to them, support them, and motivate them.
➡️ It's about helping them understand the world and construct their own opinions.
➡️ It's about giving them confidence in themselves and their abilities.
➡️ It's about guiding them by helping them think and build the future they want.
➡️ It's about confronting social determinisms and overcoming them.
It's a demanding profession that rightly deserves to be valued. This is what we at School Choice are doing on this day, but also every day of the year, by valuing the work of teachers, particularly those who teach in priority education networks.
Their impact is immense, and extends far beyond the classroom.

It's back to school time, contribute to an emancipating school for a fair, inclusive and sustainable society

La promotion Mélinée fait sa rentrée 🧑‍🏫
The 64 new teachers supported by Le Choix de l'école are getting ready to discover their schools and classes. Thanks to the Summer Campus, the workshops and the support of their mentors, they are ready for this new professional adventure.
We can guarantee you one thing: they are extremely motivated 💪
We wish them all the best for this school year, as well as the 30 teachers of the Fauvette promotion who are starting their second school year.

The societal role of the teacher or how to engage beyond the subject? Watch the video of our March 20 event!

"Just because you're a maths teacher doesn't mean you can't develop other skills in students." ⚙️
For Philippe Dive and Vickie Dambricourt, teachers, the societal commitment in their profession goes beyond teaching their subject.
This was the subject of their talk at our event last March 👉 
🧭 On the one hand, his commitment to issues of guidance and gender equality gave Philippe's career a new lease of life at a time when he was close to quitting the profession.
🫶 On the other hand, working on self-awareness and emotional management were among the obvious reasons for becoming a teacher for School Choice alumni Vickie.
Whether you're at the beginning, middle or end of your career, on your own or with colleagues, there are many ways to get involved.
But be careful all the same, the teacher can't do everything!

Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!