Dear difteurs,
In recent months, the bold, pragmatic spirit that is RUPTUR's flagship value has come to the fore thanks to your support. We're experimenting with a "FAISONS DEMAIN" pathway with the Pays de la Loire PEPITE scheme.
PEPITE STARTER is a program to support entrepreneurship. It is aimed at all students and young graduates in higher education, whatever their institution, training course, nature and maturity of their project.
The PEPITE des Pays de la Loire is led by Nantes Université in coordination with the Universities of Angers and Le Mans.
PEPITE's missions are:
- To raise young people's awareness of entrepreneurship,
- To support and train project leaders to turn their ideas into concrete initiatives.
But what is entrepreneurship, without the benchmarks that will create the creative, environmental and inclusive economy of tomorrow?
In a rapidly changing world, it is essential to rethink entrepreneurship to build a creative, inclusive and sustainable economy. With this in mind, we have proposed a 3-step pathway to "MAKE TOMORROW".
This pathway will enable young people to: