Giving disadvantaged youngsters a taste for school again

✨ Le Sens de l'Ecole is 5 years old ✨ update

✨ Le Sens de l'Ecole is 5 years old ✨

Dear difteurs,

On January 10, 2020, we filed the association's articles of association! The timing for launching a project in schools wasn't ideal, as 2 months after the first workshops, confinement arrived!

🚀 What followed was to exceed our wildest hopes:
2021-2022: 16 speakers trained, 708 hours of workshops run, 2550 pupils accompanied.
2022-2023: 22 speakers trained, 1158 hours of workshops led, 4150 pupils accompanied, 7 half-days of teacher training
2023-2024: 36 speakers trained, 1752 hours of workshops led, 6500 pupils accompanied, 7 half-days of teacher training.
2024-2025: 50 trained facilitators and (we very much hope!) 2700 hours of workshops run, 9900 students accompanied.

The multiplication of workshops is just the tip of the iceberg. Deep down, real transformations are taking place: for students, for teachers, for the climate of classes and even schools. We bring a breath of hope, recreate an alliance, and help everyone regain confidence in the school as well as in their own ability to act.

What an adventure these 5 years have been! It's a source of pride to have invested thousands of volunteer hours listening, building, improving, convincing, federating, training and being able to offer our action to schools free of charge.

Thank you, dear difteurs, for your support!

The entire Sens de l'Ecole team wishes you a year full of joy, meaning and impact ✨

Looking back at 2023-2024 update

Looking back at 2023-2024

Dear difteurs,

While the 2024-2025 school year has got off to a strong start for Le Sens de l'Ecole (already 250 classes in the planning stage), we're very happy to take this time of the autumn vacations to look back on the 2023-2024 year!

2023-2024 means...
6500 children benefiting from workshops,292 classesof CM1-CM2-6e,1752 hours of workshops run,78 establishments in Réseaux d'Education Prioritaire,3 académies, 7 départements and 25 towns in Ile-de-France.
All with record teacher satisfaction!
94% of teachers felt the program was an important part of their school curriculum98% felt it was in line with their mission as teachers98% were satisfied with the speaker88% wanted to do it again this year
If you'd like to find out more about these last 12 months of associative adventure : here's our Activity Report 2023-2024:

A big thank you to everyone for your support!
Virginie and the whole Sens de l'Ecole team

🎬 Behind the scenes of a Le Sens de l'Ecole workshop!

Dear Captains,
For Le Sens de l'Ecole too, it's back-to-school time - and we're looking forward to getting back to school!!
🎬 Coming with us? We'll take you on a tour of a workshop with this 3-minute video made in a REP class in Paris.
As we have every year for the past 4 years, we team up with teachers to help them encourage their pupils' school attachment:
🤔 readjust misperceptions about school and their abilities that stand in the way of their well-being and motivation
🤝 nurture a positive classroom climate, favorable to learning and the fulfillment of each pupil.
A big thank you to you, dear Captains, for enabling us to continue offering these workshops free of charge to students in priority education!

End-of-year party at Sens de l'Ecole update

End-of-year party at Sens de l'Ecole

Dear Captains,
🎉 At the Le Sens de l'Ecole, as at school, we had our end-of-school-year party 🎉

Every year, it's a joyous and profound day, a day to get together, to train again and again, and to celebrate.
🎒 Celebrate the 6500 CM1-CM2-6e children from priority education accompanied, throughout the year, all over Ile de France
🤩 Celebrate the transformative changes in outlook that have occurred for a very large majority of them (more news on our impact very soon!)
🤝 Celebrate the renewed enthusiasm of teachers, 93% of whom feel our program is important in a student's schooling (again, more detailed news to follow...)
💖 Celebrate, finally, the wonderful community we form! BRAVO and THANK YOU to the 35 contributors to Le Sens de l'Ecole: having had the privilege of recruiting, training and supporting them, we know they're the crème de la crème!
🎖 We were proud to share with them that teachers think so too:
99% of teachers feel that our speakers master their subject99% of teachers feel that our speakers embody what they say through their posture96% of teachers feel that our speakers make the students actors in the workshops

THANK YOU, dear Captains, for supporting us throughout this school year. This impact is also yours!

Le Sens de l'Ecole wins the Tenzing Equal Opportunity Award! update

Le Sens de l'Ecole wins the Tenzing Equal Opportunity Award!

Dear Captains,
It is with great joy and emotion that we share this superb news with you: Le Sens de l'Ecole is the 2024 winner of the Tenzing Prize for Equal Opportunity!
This prestigious and demanding prize has been awarded for 7 years to agents of change who have an impact on reducing educational and social inequalities. It's an honor to join the community of winners, and a real chance to benefit from multi-year support and strategic guidance.
Thank you too, dear Captains, for believing in us!

🎂 Happy birthday Le Sens de l'Ecole 🎂 update

🎂 Happy birthday Le Sens de l'Ecole 🎂

Dear Captains,
With your support, we have just passed not 1 but 3 important milestones:
- the milestone of 4 years of existence for our association
- the milestone of 40 members in the crew: 3 salaried employees and 3 freelancers to steer it, 35 mentors and speakers to carry it out in the field
- the milestone of 4,000 children accompanied since the start of the school year (and nearly 12,000 since the association was founded!)
... we would have liked to add the milestone of 40 workshops run in a single day, but in truth, our maximum was 31 (and that's already a lot!)
Thank you for blowing the wind into our sails!

Our 2022-2023 business report update

Our 2022-2023 business report

We're very late (it's been a busy back-to-school season!) AND very proud to share with you some key figures from our activity report for the 2022-2023 school year!
We've really gone all out (to say the least) to meet the explosion in demand from schools, while maintaining our pedagogical excellence.
2022-2023 means:
- more than 4,000 children supported (193 classes of CM1-CM2-6e in priority education in 5 departments of Ile-de-France); 
- 82% of teachers who consider our program very important in a student's school career; 
- 85% of teachers who wanted to renew this year.
With 175 classes already in the planning stage, the year 2023-2024 promises to be very intense. For months, we've been preparing to rise to the challenges ahead: we can't wait to relay the rest of the adventure to you!
To read our activity report in full, it's this way:
A huge thank you to the entire Captains community for rallying to help us grow in impact!

💥 Forward to the meaning of school! update

💥 Forward to the meaning of school!

Yes, the teacher training courses have already resumed and the first classroom workshops start this week. The September marathon is behind us - so breathless and rhythmic that we ran out of time to communicate. We even forgot to take a few souvenir photos of our back-to-school highlights 😅
Welcome to the 16 speakers joining the team ! A successful casting of great professionals and beautiful people, whom we had a real joy of getting to know better during the training weekend on September 23-24.
And happiness to meet up again with the 14 speakers from previous promotions at our continuing education and year launch evening on September 26!  
Among them, 7 have become mentors and benefited from a dedicated training day on September 16.
Backstage, throughout September:
- we finalized the production of all our teaching materials for students, teachers and speakers;
- we prepared the ground with inspectors, principals and teachers who are waiting for us with bated breath (85% renewal rate!)
Thanks to all of you, dear Captains, we're ready 🙌
Forwards to a new school year full of meaning!

End-of-year party at Sens de l'Ecole! update

End-of-year party at Sens de l'Ecole!

Our plenary day took place on June 30 and it was a real party!!!!
🎉 FÊTE to meet up again (almost) all of us after having criss-crossed the Ile de France each on our own for 8 months : the association's core team, the 7 mentors and 15 speakers
🎉 CELEBRATING those 1158 hours spent in 193 classes with 4150 children, and all the "hidden" hours preparing, pottering, planning (replanning), meeting, accompanying teachers before / during / after
🎉 CELEBRATING to share our glitches and above all our nuggets
🎉 CELEBRATING to discover our tangible, concrete impact, measured through 4 research devices
🎉 CELEBRATING to think together to build tomorrow.
And if our hearts are sad to see some members of the crew leave for new adventures, they are full of gratitude that all our unique trajectories have made such a firework display this year.
🎉 and this CELEBRATION, we wanted to share with you, dear Captains, and say a big thank you again for making our action possible with CM1-CM2-6e children in Priority Education in Ile de France!

In full measure of the impact of the changes in outlook brought about by our workshops!

Dear Captains, 
The school year is (almost) coming to an end, and we've already accompanied 3,600 students in the Ile de France region since September 2022! 
Beyond quantitative targets (and the frenzy of daily life...), we've been keen since the launch of the association to keep a sense of perspective to analyze the real impact of our ongoing action.Since September, we've collected:
- 670 workshop evaluation questionnaires from our facilitators;
- evaluation questionnaires from teachers.
We've also conducted no fewer than 57 individual interviews with priority education children, in collaboration with a researcher and a Master 2 student in psychology! We're enjoying listening to them, while we wait for the analysis of this data, which will take some time...
To give you a little taste, here are a few testimonials from children filmed last year in Aulnay-sous-Bois.
Happy discovery and thank you Captains for your support!

480 hours of activities in 80 priority education classes since the start of the school year! update

480 hours of activities in 80 priority education classes since the start of the school year!

Since the start of the 2022-2023 school year, our team of 22 facilitators has led workshop courses in 80 CM1, CM2 and 6e classes in priority education. In total, this represents 480 hours of activities with 1850 children. 60 other workshop courses are already scheduled for the return of the February vacations... Our goal is to have accompanied 200 classes by the end of the year!
Wondering about the meaning of school is essential for motivation! We manage to engage students in challenging reflections by taking small steps, in a playful, active and cooperative way.

Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!