Dream internships for students without a network

This year, ViensVoirMonTaf broke all records! update

This year, ViensVoirMonTaf broke all records!

In 2023-2024, 7,358 students were supported by the association! And we don't intend to stop there.

Convinced of the importance of offering the best internship conditions to ninth graders from priority education, our association is redoubling its efforts to find ever more quality internships and committed companies."

The proof? Great internships that you help to finance, and numerous testimonials. One of which has exceeded our dreams, too, as VVMT has been the subject of a 30-minute film on Arte, highlighting all the issues we've been trying to bring to the attention of tutors, partners, funders and public authorities, with determination, for nearly ten years.
You remember such an internship for the rest of your life," says 14-year-old Nayé to the camera, recalling her time at France Inter, where she practiced writing a radio piece on handball, her favorite sport.
Director Chiara Sambuchi witnessed her metamorphosis during the shoot. "I saw a fascinating increase in her self-confidence between our first exchanges and the way she presented her internship during the oral exam at the college". Merouane's experience is just as enriching during her internship at Hermès. To watch in replay, emotional sequence guaranteed! 
So yes, ViensVoirMonTaf is determined to continue down this path of high standards and broken records. After such a great year (and such a record at the Paris Olympics :-), we say to ourselves that anything is possible! 

A new challenge for ViensVoirMonTaf! update

A new challenge for ViensVoirMonTaf!

After accompanying over 24,000 students since 2015 in Île-de-France, Hauts-de-France, Lyon, Grenoble and Vienne... ViensVoirMonTaf is getting ready to land in Marseille at the start of the new school year!
Marseille is home to some 30 middle schools classified as priority education (ex-ZEP), including 23 REP+ middle schools and 6 REP middle schools, representing some 4,000 students who need you, need us, to carry out THE internship that can break through their glass ceiling and project them into a motivating career orientation and future!
For students from working-class neighborhoods, the 3rd grade internship is more than a rite of passage, it's a key moment in their schooling that opens the doors to a new world. Together, let's give them the short end of the stick!
We welcome with open arms all those who want to help us take up this new challenge and multiply our actions as quickly as possible in Marseille!

+ More than 1,000 internships in the first quarter alone! update

+ More than 1,000 internships in the first quarter alone!

To be more precise, we're at 1,048 internships... Record broken!!
And at the start of this term, Ecosol internships are taking off in a big way!
From the water cycle at Hydreka, to sustainable food at Bellebouffe, or even renewable energies at Enerdata, students are not at the end of their surprises!
"I'd like to stay in the field of sustainable energy" confides Antoine, a student at Grenoble's Collège Olympique, during his internship at Enerdata.
As you know, the year is just beginning. Thousands of 3rd graders without a network are still hoping to find a 5-day internship in the coming weeks.
Still more great Ecosol internships to come: partnerships are being built, in urban agriculture at Cueillette Urbaine, in the circular economy at NEO-ECO or at the École du Breuil, a horticulture school run by the city of Paris.
As captains and supporters of ViensVoirMonTaf, you have made and continue to make all this possible!
So 1048 thanks to you, and don't forget, the adventure is just beginning, with you!

Even more eco-friendly internships for students without a network! update

Even more eco-friendly internships for students without a network!

At your notebooks!
It's back-to-school time, and just as well, "school" rhymes with "ecosol": ViensVoirMonTaf is embarking on a new year of intense activity to accompany middle-schoolers from REP and REP+ towards their dream internship.
Since our last news, the association has received new donations from its Captains, i.e. almost €160 more.
Eight Captains are joining the adventure, whose objective, we remind you, is to take students towards an ideal 3rd grade internship, chosen, and within the precise framework of this project, ecological and supportive.
Welcome (and thank you) to them, the adventure continues!! 

Green" internships, what a birch! update

Green" internships, what a birch!

"Have you ever heard of Sustainable Development? What is it?"
This is one of the first questions asked during our Ecosol workshops, aimed at 4th graders.
Since January 2023, ViensVoirMonTaf has raised €2,737 thanks to donations from Captain Cause for its Viens Voir Mon Taf ecological and solidarity project. Selected 19 times by companies confident in its project, the association has been able to count on donations from 59 Captains, i.e. 59 employees or customers of these companies, who have chosen to support it.
The ecosol project involves 200 "green" internships for 3rd graders from REP and REP+ countries. It's an opportunity for these young people to discover the jobs involved in the ecological transition, which are still too little known. After the workshops in 4th grade, the 3rd graders discover jobs in education and training, access to healthcare, building and sustainable infrastructure, economic and social responsibility, agriculture, the environment and living things, and justice and human rights.
"During my internship, I was able to learn more about associative values, and discover all the social projects that MSERA is developing. I was impressed by the many meetings because they showed their commitment and they were sometimes fun"
-Ethel, on an internship with the association Moderniser Sans Exclure in Lyon
The money raised enables us to better support students, by recruiting teams to support students in middle schools and to canvass companies likely to offer quality internships.
A big thank you to the 8 Captains from ENGIE, 13 Captains from D&Consultants, the 2 from Vinci Facilities GPM, Xavier Castex Assurance, the 15 from Elaia, the 3 from warmango, the one from Respup, the 6 from EIRL Alexis CASTRO, and the 8 from VINCI Construction France, for their invaluable donations.

Ecosol workshops for 4th graders in three middle schools in the Paris region update

Ecosol workshops for 4th graders in three middle schools in the Paris region

We're planning to roll out ecosol workshops to 4th graders in three collèges (one in Argenteuil, one in Trapes and one in Paris). The project is still in the preparation phase, and the workshops will only take place at the end of the school year. The aim of the Ecosol project is to raise young people's awareness of the challenges of sustainable development, while at the same time introducing them to a range of careers in the environmental and solidarity sectors. The diversity of sustainable development professions is still little known among young people, hence the interest in devoting a time of exchange around the discovery of these professions and their accessibility. The aim is to start by talking about commitment, then orientation, in anticipation of their 3rd grade internship, and in a broader sense, their future career.

Align customer loyalty and solidarity.
Let's start!